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Which Power Formula Kibble?


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My boy is currently on a raw diet but i'm thinking about supplementing his diet with a power formula as he could do with a bit more weight on him and seems to have a high metabolism. he currently eats more than double the raw feeding recommendation. I'm considering both eagle pack and artemis with their power formulas which contain more fat. Anyone have recommendations?

how else would i add fat to his raw diet safely? oil? meat fats? which would be better?

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p-m, when Jas the same age I supplemented with the EP power formula for a few months to keep her weight up. She doesn't need the EP anymore, she outgrew the skinnies, but I think it helped for a while. I also fed quite a bit of lamb and pork.

I'm not sure her skinniness was actually a problem, she is very active and I think it was a normal thing for her age, but it got to the point it worried me. Thankfully she keeps a good weight now without any extras, amazing the difference a few months of maturity makes.

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i talked with the breeder yesterday briefly but also wanted to hear from the raw community and others on suggestions for fattening up. he's not exactly skinny but it would be good to find a way to get him enough energy foods. We've had more success with his weight since feeding him raw.

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I had eagle pack tell me if my dog is already running around like a lunatic, the power formula can make them more energetic and hence not allow weight gain.

If you want weight, feed pig heads. Half at a time. Coats everyones ribs quickly.

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p-m, when Jas the same age I supplemented with the EP power formula for a few months to keep her weight up. She doesn't need the EP anymore, she outgrew the skinnies, but I think it helped for a while. I also fed quite a bit of lamb and pork.

I'm not sure her skinniness was actually a problem, she is very active and I think it was a normal thing for her age, but it got to the point it worried me. Thankfully she keeps a good weight now without any extras, amazing the difference a few months of maturity makes.

I've also been told its an age thing too but i've also been told that a bit more weight will improve his general health and show in his coat. not that he's unhealthy at all, i just want to make sure we're doing the best by him.

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I've also been told its an age thing too but i've also been told that a bit more weight will improve his general health and show in his coat. not that he's unhealthy at all, i just want to make sure we're doing the best by him.

Yep, I understand.

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remember that guidelines are always just that - somewhere to start. You will always have to fiddle a little with a dogs diet. I have a 24kg dog that eats as much as my 60kg dog, sometimes she'll eat more :eek: and a 50kg dog that would happily eat both their meals, his own and whatever else is lying about

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You are dealing with a gangly teenage dog and you would be better off just feeding what you are feeding and waiting it out. Overloading his system with a large amount of fatty foods is not good for him, even if it does increase his weight.

When the hormones settle down and he stops growing he will naturally fill out.

If you are feeding veg in his raw diet, reduce it and see how he goes, add a couple of extra chicken wings or a carcass and a lamb flap for the week.

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You are dealing with a gangly teenage dog and you would be better off just feeding what you are feeding and waiting it out. Overloading his system with a large amount of fatty foods is not good for him, even if it does increase his weight.

When the hormones settle down and he stops growing he will naturally fill out.

If you are feeding veg in his raw diet, reduce it and see how he goes, add a couple of extra chicken wings or a carcass and a lamb flap for the week.

good point, but its so hard when people and thats people who know sighthounds think your dog is too skinny. i thought he was fine before anyone said anything, so i should just go with my instincts on it.

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I briefly switched from normal Artemis to the power formula (Ospure) for my 3 year old GR earlier this year.

I was having trouble keeping weight on her as we were exercising A LOT.

While it did help her to build and keep her weight, I found it made her more sluggish and the extra weight manifested as "heaviness", so I stopped and increased her servings of the normal Artemis.

She is perfectly fine now.

She is a Golden Retriever though, and I would imagine a Borzoi would metabolise the fattier food much differently. It certainly did do the trick for bulking up.

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