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Should I Or Shouldn't I? Any Thoughts Appreciated.


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Exactly TD - Pepper really doesn't quite know what to do with Tango "playing" and Dylan just keeps looking at me LMAO

If I stop chasing Tango everyone stops. :rofl: Altho it's not me Tango is interested in.

I love the way Tango is trying to interact with the pup tho. He really has surprised me.

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I've been following this thread from the beginning and I'm so pleased you got Dylan.

Was just wondering if it's a trick of the light in the video (which is super cute) or if Dylan has one blue eye?

Was also wondering if Tango has liver spots? Is that the right term?

Everyone else here probably already knows the answers and I know they're not very important questions as obviously all three dogs have great temperaments which is far more important than their looks but I'm new here and would really like to know what I'm looking at for sure.

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I've been following this thread from the beginning and I'm so pleased you got Dylan.

Was just wondering if it's a trick of the light in the video (which is super cute) or if Dylan has one blue eye?

Was also wondering if Tango has liver spots? Is that the right term?

Everyone else here probably already knows the answers and I know they're not very important questions as obviously all three dogs have great temperaments which is far more important than their looks but I'm new here and would really like to know what I'm looking at for sure.

Never be backward is asking questions, A.C :rofl: . That is the way everyone learns.
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I've been following this thread from the beginning and I'm so pleased you got Dylan.

Was just wondering if it's a trick of the light in the video (which is super cute) or if Dylan has one blue eye?

Was also wondering if Tango has liver spots? Is that the right term?

Everyone else here probably already knows the answers and I know they're not very important questions as obviously all three dogs have great temperaments which is far more important than their looks but I'm new here and would really like to know what I'm looking at for sure.

Hi arctic!

Yes Tango is a liver spot dalmatian. I only ever had liver spots til I got Pepper. His are fairly light - my previous boy was sometimes mistaken for a black/white.

And no Dylan doesn't have a blue eye. Its probably the eye-patch and light that fools ya :(

Thanks for your nice comments ;)

You know I watch that vid and can't help but be amazed every time at Tango. SOmetimes I forget what he was like only a few months ago. Timid, scared of every noise, snappy (well sometimes he's still snappy LOL) and didn't know how to play or interact. It's hard to imagine that before I got him he was on drugs for alleged OCD!!!! And that he used to bark at shadows and anything that moved.

He seems so confident and calm now. He still isn't sure how to play but he's getting the idea!! :D

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We've had some interesting times going on here.

One thing that happened is something I never thought I'd have to do. Pepper has been getting quite nasty with the pup - I'm not sure what's going on there. But there was one moment when she flew at him for no reason. I saw it happen and I could see that Dylan was just walking past and she attacked him. Dylan was screaming and she was still going.

I reacted fairly instantly and did something I've never EVER had to do with Pep. I actually growled at her, smacked her and threw her outside.

I was flabbergasted. It was like Tango when he first arrived. I know I need to let them sort it out etc but having watched her over the past few days it just looked like she was getting out of hand. She had started getting protective of food, toys, me! She'd started snarling at him when he tried to get in the crate with her or in her bed. All sorts of things she's never done before.

ANyway. After a little while I let her back in. Then I decided I'd try some bonding between her and Dylan. So I gave Tango a big juicy bone (Yes! He gets them now!!!) and took Dylan and Pep for a long off-lead walk.

It was bliss because I could let them both off the lead and NEITHER of them disappeared on me!

So while we were walking, after a while, I could see Pepper starting to "play bow" to the puppy and they raced around together like old friends. We played games like hide and seek (pepper and I would hide behind a tree and then JUMP out and go AHAAAAA!!!! At dylan when he came looking for us) and chasey. There was a fantastic moment when I wished I'd had the camera with me. We came across a sort of hump in the track - a bit like you'd find BMX kids flying over. There was water and a log on the other side. Pepper and Dylan raced over it and then I thought I'd trick them so I bobbed down behind it and hid. They both came racing back (I could hear them thundering along) and Dylan did this AMAZING leap across the water/log and over the hump and almost over my head on the other side, landing just next to me. He leapt up at me excitedly then leapt over at Pep and they both took off again. It was absolutely magic to see! Especially from my angle just beneath him as he leapt/flew across!

We were gone almost 2 hours - Tango was so thrilled to see us when we got back LOL - poor lovey hee hee but he had his bone so he was happy :)

Anyway, sometime later Dylan flopped into the larger dog bed/basket and started to fall asleep. Pepper, who had been in another bed, looked over at him, got up and climbed in with him! Dylan was all calm about it, like he'd been waiting for that to happen ;) And she was perfectly content having him snuggled up against her.

I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see Pepper at last, snuggled up in bed and cuddling with another dog - just like she used to with my other two.

But the best was yet to come.

Later that night I moved the big dog basket into the bedroom expecting Tango to get in that and Pepper and Dylan to hop into the crate. Well Tango got in the big basket and Pepper just climbed right on in with him and curled into a ball next to him!!! Tango was looking at me like "What the...????" but Pepper was just sighing and looking ready to fall asleep, as if this was something that happened ALL the time! Dylan meanwhile was also trying to get into the basket hahahahaha but I knew this was still a bit tenuous between Tango and Pepper and if he jumped in as well it could all go to hell in a handbag!!! :cheer: So I encouraged Dylan over to the crate. He climbed in sort of reluctantly and settled into a little ball - then Pepper seemed to be unsure what to do. She was looking over towards Dylan sniffing the air. Then turning her head slightly to where Tango was lying down just behind her. It was like "Oh my god! I suddenly have TWO dogs I can cuddle with now. But which one???".

She eventually got out of the basket and curled up with Dylan. Not just in the same crate like she has in the past, but snuggled up against him. He didn't bash her or do any of those stupid puppy things she hates but instead just sighed a bit and snuggled into her side.

Fantastic stuff! All three of them made my heart glow :rofl:

Pepper is still snarling at him etc this morning but as far as I can tell only when it's appropriate. Not the random crap she was pulling yesterday. I got them all to sit and then scattered some small treats around them and both Tango and Pepper let the pup take the treats from right under their noses.

Edited by spottychick
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It has been said a squillion times, but I WISH THEY COULD TALK :cheer::) ;) Maybe Pepper was just plain jealous!

Oh if only MM. I'm sure Pepper would be a fascinating chatter!

LOL Maybe she was jealous! There was definitely something up her nose!

You know what I think - and I might be completely off-base. It seemed to me that Pepper doesn't really know how to be "dominant" but she felt she had to take on the role with this new nutty puppy. So she sometimes got it right but just didn't know where to draw the line - perhaps the point is that she needed for me to take a more active role and set the boundaries for all of them.

Does that make sense?

Pepper has always been the "bottom" dog and perfectly happy with that. Everyone loved her and looked after her. Tango threw all that out of whack because he attacked her and she'd never been attacked by any dog I brought into the house before. So she went a little over the top with the next newbie in the household.

My amatuer dog psychology LOL

I have a feeling it will all work out fine tho.

At the moment Tango keeps barking at Dylan when he's being an upstart and Pepper has slipped back a bit and eased up on the little fella. She really does take all her cues from me, has done all her life, so maybe I was expecting a bit too much of the poor old dear :rofl:

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aw, so good to hear the pepper has a snuggle buddy again! and that she is starting to lighten up on the little fella, after all he hasn't been taught manners before!

and i think it was a fab idea to take just the two of them out together for a romp, really helps bond them.

honestly spottychic, what you've done wiht tango is darn amazing. imagine him a few months ago trying to put up with a pup or allowing pepper to curl up with him!

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aw, so good to hear the pepper has a snuggle buddy again! and that she is starting to lighten up on the little fella, after all he hasn't been taught manners before!

and i think it was a fab idea to take just the two of them out together for a romp, really helps bond them.

honestly spottychic, what you've done wiht tango is darn amazing. imagine him a few months ago trying to put up with a pup or allowing pepper to curl up with him!

Thanks mackie! And yep, very hard to imagine - a few months ago it just simply wouldn't have happened!!

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hey tango does what we call the u turn. leo does it... he never seems to turn full circle.....first one way almost all the way round then the other...

not like going round and round but only back to the same spot he started at.... they are rather cuties.

although now measurement has decided sc is very lucky to have 3 spots and now wants to know why we couldn't have 3... 3 matians and 3 teriosts boy wouldn't it be crowded....

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I've been following this thread Spotty and am SO pleased you have the gorgeous munchkin!!!

I want a dalmation :laugh: .. I want EVERYTHING.. haha.. Will have to narrow it down because I have looked literally into everything.

Have fun and enjoy. I really hope you keep him. ;)

THanks sunny! What sort of dog do you have atm?

Sorry Spotty, a little delayed on the good ol' reply. I currently have a Cavlier!

We have fostered in the past and am taking it back up again. (picking the pup up on Friday) So he is used to having dogs around him.

My concern isn't Oscar. My partner doesn't like the spots.. I LOVE THE SPOTS! :laugh:

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I've been following this thread Spotty and am SO pleased you have the gorgeous munchkin!!!

I want a dalmation :) .. I want EVERYTHING.. haha.. Will have to narrow it down because I have looked literally into everything.

Have fun and enjoy. I really hope you keep him. :love:

THanks sunny! What sort of dog do you have atm?

Sorry Spotty, a little delayed on the good ol' reply. I currently have a Cavlier!

We have fostered in the past and am taking it back up again. (picking the pup up on Friday) So he is used to having dogs around him.

My concern isn't Oscar. My partner doesn't like the spots.. I LOVE THE SPOTS! :laugh:

What's not to like? ;)

I had a cavalier King Charles (blenheim) when I was a kid - Pentass Premiere Lady was her name. How's that for a memory! Love the little dudes. ;) A lot easier to handle than dallies I must admit hee hee

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I've been following this thread Spotty and am SO pleased you have the gorgeous munchkin!!!

I want a dalmation :love: .. I want EVERYTHING.. haha.. Will have to narrow it down because I have looked literally into everything.

Have fun and enjoy. I really hope you keep him. ;)

THanks sunny! What sort of dog do you have atm?

Sorry Spotty, a little delayed on the good ol' reply. I currently have a Cavlier!

We have fostered in the past and am taking it back up again. (picking the pup up on Friday) So he is used to having dogs around him.

My concern isn't Oscar. My partner doesn't like the spots.. I LOVE THE SPOTS! :)

What's not to like? :thumbsup:

I had a cavalier King Charles (blenheim) when I was a kid - Pentass Premiere Lady was her name. How's that for a memory! Love the little dudes. :( A lot easier to handle than dallies I must admit hee hee

:laugh: I know!! Beauty doesn't run skin deep! I keep telling him this.. :laugh:

Yes Oscar is a dream dog I will admit, it will be a shock to the system when we finally get the dog we are after! A lot more active then what Oscar is, is what we are wanting!

Edited by Sunnyflower
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Dylan keeps disappearing (inside the house when the doors are shut) - I am doing my own thing when I think "Gee it's quiet." Look around - No Dylan! :cry:

But as soon as I make a noise he appears from nowhere.

It was a bit of a mystery so I snuck around and I just found out where he's been disappearing to...

MY bed!!!!



Norty Dylan. Do you think I'm creating a monster?

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