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Should I Or Shouldn't I? Any Thoughts Appreciated.


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One interesting side effect of all this. Pepper and Tango seem to be drawing closer together.
It sounds as though they have to for self preservation from the PITA ;) :o
I'm exhausted btw - :cry: WHy did I do this again? hee hee
Well now, how much time do we have . . . . . . .


MM - I have noticed something new with Tango and Pepper. He seems to start barking at me/the pup (I'm not sure which) trying to tell us all something. Everyone just looks at him in bemusement LOL and he keeps going on and on until I say "Quiet Tango" and he sort of modifies it into a "talking" bark. Then Pepper goes over to Tango (like she wants to reassure him) and - while still "talking" he gently grabs her around the nose. She doesn't object or seem worried by it and he isn't hurting her. It's more of a friendly thing. He's learnt about "soft" mouth!!!

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Ah now Baxter - wouldnt that be like making him part of the family :)

BTW Guess who is playing tug and "chase me coz I've got the squeaky toy" with Dylan.........

Well you have named him already lol ;)

Guess who..? - Tango?

You get first prize!!! I am stunned at what's going on around here. I can't get any work done LMAO but these dogs are truly amazing.

Tango sends mixed signals unfortunately but he is constantly looking for Dylan and grabbing his leg while snarling at him, barking in his face, hurling a piece of material around and running away with it or chasing Dylan down the corridor. Then I looked out the back and they had one end of a dog towel each playing tug with Tango dragging the pup down the back steps hahahahahahaha Then Dylan found a dog toy and Tango grabbed it off him so the pup latched on to one end of it. tango snarled and carried on but his tail was wagging and the two of them disappeared out the back door with the toy between them.

He is currently "talking" to the pup with this wierd sound - a cross between a bark and whine. I DO wish Tango would shut up!!!

Pepper meanwhile is generally staying out of the way of the lunatics. But I did have all three dogs simultaneously leap up on the bed first thing this morning to wake me up. None of them seemed the least bit concerned about the others. Tango barked in my face and playfully grabbed my hand with his teeth (he's NEVER done that before hahahaha) while Pepper wagged her tail and moaned and tried to snuggle under the quilt and the pup just kept leaping about randomly on everyone until I couldn't stand it anymore and got out of bed. I think I have multiple bruises on my stomach!!!

They're all nuts.

:o:cry::mad Good on them! Like how they got you out of bed lol

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Ah now Baxter - wouldnt that be like making him part of the family :cry:

BTW Guess who is playing tug and "chase me coz I've got the squeaky toy" with Dylan.........

Well you have named him already lol :D

Guess who..? - Tango?

You get first prize!!! I am stunned at what's going on around here. I can't get any work done LMAO but these dogs are truly amazing.

Tango sends mixed signals unfortunately but he is constantly looking for Dylan and grabbing his leg while snarling at him, barking in his face, hurling a piece of material around and running away with it or chasing Dylan down the corridor. Then I looked out the back and they had one end of a dog towel each playing tug with Tango dragging the pup down the back steps hahahahahahaha Then Dylan found a dog toy and Tango grabbed it off him so the pup latched on to one end of it. tango snarled and carried on but his tail was wagging and the two of them disappeared out the back door with the toy between them.

He is currently "talking" to the pup with this wierd sound - a cross between a bark and whine. I DO wish Tango would shut up!!!

Pepper meanwhile is generally staying out of the way of the lunatics. But I did have all three dogs simultaneously leap up on the bed first thing this morning to wake me up. None of them seemed the least bit concerned about the others. Tango barked in my face and playfully grabbed my hand with his teeth (he's NEVER done that before hahahaha) while Pepper wagged her tail and moaned and tried to snuggle under the quilt and the pup just kept leaping about randomly on everyone until I couldn't stand it anymore and got out of bed. I think I have multiple bruises on my stomach!!!

They're all nuts.

Loving the updates Spottychick! :cry:

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Sounds like Tango has found his inner puppy... lol!


Yeah sort of LOL I don't think he quite knows how to go about this playing thing. LMAO He keeps scaring everyone.

Interesting thing just happened - well interesting to me anyway hee - tragically, I find these things endlessly fascinating :laugh:

The grown up dogs were settling in for the night in their beds but Dylan decides he wants to play. He suddenly gets as vocal as tango was earlier and starts getting all uppity, barking at them both and jumping at them in their beds. Tango was lying near me (I'm sitting on the couch) while Pepper was a bit further away in her bed and Dylan was annoying Tango. Tango is yipping at him and snarling but doesn't want to get out of bed.

Anyway - Pepper races over and sits between Dylan and Tango and when Dylan did his barking and jumping again she flew at him like a dog possessed - kinda :laugh: . He kept coming back sort of half cowering half assertive, barking and doing "lets play" at her. She kept snarling and rushing him over to his bed. Finally, after Pepper had done this several times with each one getting more ferocious, he stumbled one last time into his bed and stayed there (chewing the end of the blanket nervously LOL) and she lay down on the floor next to Tango's bed for a while until Dylan fell asleep. Then she got up and went to her bed.

Pepper seemed to be looking after Tango!!! And he just lay there letting her go for it.

I seriously had no idea Pepper had any of this in her. She's always been the cutesy friendly one. She's really surprised me.

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Hi Spottychick, just been reading this thread for the first time (not on dol much these days). What a great thing you've done taking on this little handful of trouble. Really enjoying your stories. Seems Pepper is putting him well and truly in his place, which will teach him faster than anything. I'm sure he will learn some manners soon, as he seems to have already. Good job! Oh and I think Dylan is an excellent name! Same as the boy in my avatar.

Edited by badboyz
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Sounds like Pepper is exercising her mothering skills on the naughty puppy... he will learn some respect for her methinks...

Dylan is still young enough to have the "puppy passport", so I'm thinking that he's being allowed to get away with a bit more than your two would normally put up with - he will settle down a bit eventually.


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This is all totally fascinating, s/chick :confused::laugh: - never doubt that.

I don't know anything about Dalmatians and their vocalising (although I do know about the Dally Smile and have seen it several times over the years - LOL), but I would imagine that they understand what the other is "saying". Pepper sounds the perfect dog for teaching Dylan some manners; poor boy hasn't every learnt that manners are needed to get along in life and if someone has to show him, a well adjusted happy dog like Pepper is the one to do it.

As for Tango, what a boy, huh? He has his playtime boy and his smoochy time girl. Taken down several notches, I have a little bit of the same with Danny, Tamar and Jeune. Danny is Tamar's playmate but Jeune is her soulmate.

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Hi Spottychick, just been reading this thread for the first time (not on dol much these days). What a great thing you've done taking on this little handful of trouble. Really enjoying your stories. Seems Pepper is putting him well and truly in his place, which will teach him faster than anything. I'm sure he will learn some manners soon, as he seems to have already. Good job! Oh and I think Dylan is an excellent name! Same as the boy in my avatar.

Thanks badboyz! What a bunch of cuties in your signature! :confused:

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Sounds like Pepper is exercising her mothering skills on the naughty puppy... he will learn some respect for her methinks...

Dylan is still young enough to have the "puppy passport", so I'm thinking that he's being allowed to get away with a bit more than your two would normally put up with - he will settle down a bit eventually.


He already has settled quite a lot TD. Check out what happened last night - this after Pepper wouldn't let him anywhere near where she was sleeping earlier. Tango would usually be in the crate with Pepper but he stole the basket. Pepper gave the pup some meaningful looks but otherwise had no problem with what happened because Dylan was very respectful and just curled up (instead of poking her, jumping at her etc)


(Sorry for the appalling quality - I have a very limited camera/phone thingy which really doesnt do night pics well.)

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This is all totally fascinating, s/chick :confused::laugh: - never doubt that.

I don't know anything about Dalmatians and their vocalising (although I do know about the Dally Smile and have seen it several times over the years - LOL), but I would imagine that they understand what the other is "saying". Pepper sounds the perfect dog for teaching Dylan some manners; poor boy hasn't every learnt that manners are needed to get along in life and if someone has to show him, a well adjusted happy dog like Pepper is the one to do it.

As for Tango, what a boy, huh? He has his playtime boy and his smoochy time girl. Taken down several notches, I have a little bit of the same with Danny, Tamar and Jeune. Danny is Tamar's playmate but Jeune is her soulmate.

I was getting a bit worried about Peppers behaviour because she launches herself at him so "viciously" I wasn't sure whether to intervene or not. My head was saying leave her to it but my heart was thinking I should protect the pup.

Anyway, a lady who lives down the road who has several German Shepherds was chatting with me yesterday and said let Pepper do her thing - that's what she's done with her dogs and they do teach the young ones how to behave - albeit with "tears" at times. She put it really well. She said, Pepper is trying to teach the pup how to get on in the world. To do that she might have to actually hurt him but if she doesnt do it and he doesnt learn, chances are one day he'll rush up to some other dog and get his face bitten off for inappropriate behaviour. And I know my girl well enough to know she's not a nasty character so I really should have confidence that she wont go too far.

So that's what I did last night. Just let her do what she felt she had to do and it was interesting to watch it pan out.

ANyway, here's Tango this morning with his "playtime boy"


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I've been following this thread Spotty and am SO pleased you have the gorgeous munchkin!!!

I want a dalmation :( .. I want EVERYTHING.. haha.. Will have to narrow it down because I have looked literally into everything.

Have fun and enjoy. I really hope you keep him. :lollipop:

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Sounds like Pepper is letting the puppy know what manners are, :laugh: , poor little munchkin must be having a bit of a shock to the system!

Keep the updates coming.

Oh and I loved the photo with Tango UNDER the blanket, you must get little quivers of happy every time he does that!

Yes I do! :) He loves his blanket now :o

Havent bothered with Dylan - the little fella's been sleeping on the grass in the middle of a Tassie winter so I don't want to overdo it with the warmth for him.

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just read whole thread :) congrats for whatever you decide with Dylan ( I like the name Spot but was too slow )

more pics please

Okay - you asked for it :o:)

Let's hear it for the spotty-bottoms ;) :laugh:


From left - Pepper, Tango, Dylan

Note: look carefully for the synchronised footwork from Tango and Pepper (.... and.... front left leg UP!) and the considerate way that Tango protected Dylans 'modesty' with his tail :)

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I've been following this thread Spotty and am SO pleased you have the gorgeous munchkin!!!

I want a dalmation ;) .. I want EVERYTHING.. haha.. Will have to narrow it down because I have looked literally into everything.

Have fun and enjoy. I really hope you keep him. :o

THanks sunny! What sort of dog do you have atm?

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