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Darn Dogs


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My boys stopped getting along months ago, they've had a couple of testosterone fueled blues so they've always been kept separate with at least a kiddie barrier between them. The fights were posturing then grabbing each other and laying there like 'errr what do I do now'.

So I just get home, and I see The DDBs face at the door (glass window door)

OK. OH must have left him in and rottie out. Strange but I'm sure they were the other way around this morning.

Then a black and tan face pushes him out of the way to see through and the two of them are on the other side of the door wagging their tails like nothing else ... 'MUMS HOME YAAAAAAAAY'

OK so I start to panic. If I go inside and they get too excited it can get a little out of hand and trying to get 60kg vs 50kg apart on my own is not going to happen. So round to the back gate and call Skoota over like he's going into the car. He runs out of the house and to me, Diesels at the back step like 'OMG FOOD TIME!!!'

Obviously the two of them have been together all day long, the Belgian to all having a ball. There was even a piece of bone in the yard and no one cared. I mustn't have shut the door properly (which is really REALLY odd because the latch is fine)

OK time for a stiff drink :D I can't believe they got along fine all day (well they have once before when OH locked rottie out thinking DDB was in his crate - 20 minutes later two sleeping dogs together in the yard). From the looks of it all 3 were on the couch watching television :laugh: Never trusting them though ;) They're a pair of true meat heads.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Funnily enough, my girls always got on fine when alone together - all of their fights have been when I was present. I reckon they would probably still be OK together without me there, but I'm not gonna chance it any more... they stay separate now.

I can fully understand how your heart must have been racing worrying if your boys were going to start on each other while they were excited that you were home...


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I know how you feel ... my boys had only ever been together under close supervision because the older boy has a short fuse and gets narky over anything. They had a couple of fights but thankfully nothing too serious - pup had had a few holes in his legs and face but nothing requiring stitches.

When I went to work I leave them on seperate sides of the yard (yard fenced down the middle).

I came home one evening and came out the back door expecting to see the older dog ... but there was no dog. My heart stopped - so I went down the stairs to open the gate ... only to be greeted by 2 dogs. The older boy had gotten over/under the fence and was on the pup's side of the yard.

After 2 weeks of fixing holes and building another fence etc ... I gave up and left the 2 dogs together. Each afternoon I come home expecting to see blood but instead find them sleeping side by side.

Now when I try to seperate them both dogs cry and carry on until I put them back together again.

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