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Spring Has Sprung

dee lee

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I was SOOO looking forward to Spring, lovely warm sunny days, flowers, etc, obviously so has my dog! :D

She has gone nuts with all the smells!!

Our morning walks, runs and games of fetch have been highjacked by patches of clover, Galahs, and whatever it is that must be climbing the local trees!

Honey is constantly blowing me off for all these intoxicating distractions. ;)

Im hoping the novelty will wear off soon and I get my good girl back. :thumbsup:

(It'll probably happen when Summer hits and she flakes it cause its too hot. :laugh: )

Anyone else experiencing their dogs getting possessed by Spring?

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Yep...although it is debatable about Woger's brain quality any time of the year!!!

Here he is just discovering that water is NOT an enemy.


Well, that was until a platypus scared the bejesus out of him anyway! :laugh:

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Just wait until she starts shedding her winter undercoat too deelee... hahaha!

My dogs are all weird at the best of times, so the season doesn't seem to have much effect here... lol! Except for the Labrador - the warm months mean MUCH more shed hair to vacuum up!


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Just wait until she starts shedding her winter undercoat too deelee... hahaha!

My dogs are all weird at the best of times, so the season doesn't seem to have much effect here... lol! Except for the Labrador - the warm months mean MUCH more shed hair to vacuum up!



oh god, don't get me started on the shedding! It's already begun!! ;)

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