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Well That Was Weird


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I just put the dogs outside and gave them a bone each and settled down on the steps to supervise. They had only just started to eat them when my MalteseXShih tzu left his bone (NOT normal) and started walking around in little cirlces air humping. When he turned side on to me I could see he had a HUGE erection and was dripping clear fluid from the end of his penis. This went on for about 10 minutes, him air humping, looking at it like WTF??? and finally he sat down, started licking at himself and then stood up and all was back to normal and he proceeded to eat his bone!

This has never happened before. He is almost 2 years old, entire, has never (will never) been around a bitch in season. This was just so weird. I've had entire males before and they have never done this.

Anyone have any ideas why he would get in this state?

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Edited by dobesrock
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LOL Must have been one hell of a good-loooking bone!! :crazy:

Sorry - shouldn't laugh. I would be a little concerned about it too if I was you. I have no idea what went on there.

:rofl: ;) ;) Sorry nothing useful to add - the above post gave me a good laugh :mad

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LOL Must have been one hell of a good-loooking bone!! :crazy:

Sorry - shouldn't laugh. I would be a little concerned about it too if I was you. I have no idea what went on there.

That's ok, I laughed too at first, got a little worried after 10 minutes of it though. I had visions of me taking him to the vet in that state!

Last week my Dobermann's breeder came for a visit and she brought his sister (from same litter) with her. Barkley (horny dog) loved her and spent the whole time dry humping her :mad , but he didn't get to the stage he was at today! Strange

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My dog does this at least once a week. He physically cannot stop once he gets going either, I can yell and scream, push him off the bed and kick him out of my room and all the while he is continuing his air humping until completion. Gross.

Poor little guy looks just as upset as me while it's happening :laugh:

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My dog does this at least once a week. He physically cannot stop once he gets going either, I can yell and scream, push him off the bed and kick him out of my room and all the while he is continuing his air humping until completion. Gross.

Poor little guy looks just as upset as me while it's happening :laugh:

I hope he dosn't do it that often! Yuck.

It was just like you said though, he couldn't stop and he looked pretty upset about it as well.

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I am sorry but I do not see this as "yuck" or abnormal.

This is normal behaviour for an entire male dog. Arousal can come in a miriad of ways and he knows how to deal with it in the healthiest physiological way that he can.

Some do it, some don't, but perfectly normal and should be expected if you own a male entire.

He probably looked upset because of your body language.

Edited by dyzney
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I can yell and scream, push him off the bed and kick him out of my room and all the while he is continuing his air humping until completion. Gross.

You have dogs - these things happen.

calmly getting a leash and taking him out,or crating him would ,to me, be more appropriate .He doesn't need any more excitement..and yelling etc will just confuse him.

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There was a thread about this before - dogs getting erections out of the blue, but this was about ones that wouldn't go down. My desexed boy used to get them and I had to put wet cloths or frozen vegies in a tea towel and hold it on him until things settled. He was very uncomfortable and doubled over with them. Funny but not. I think other DOLers used vaseline to ease things back into place but that idea grossed me out.

So unless it gets stuck in that position I guess you just have to wait for nature to take its course and settle of its own accord!

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I am sorry but I do not see this as "yuck" or abnormal.

This is normal behaviour for an entire male dog. Arousal can come in a miriad of ways and he knows how to deal with it in the healthiest physological way that he can.

Some do it, some don't, but perfectly normal and should be expected if you own a male entire.

He probably looked upset because of your body language.

I didn't react in any way while he was doing this. He was about 5 meters away from me and he didn't really pay much attention to me either as I just sat there and watched him. I didn't speak to him while it was going on. He immediately looked uncomfortable and uncertain (normal I suppose as this was the first time that I know of)

I have had 3 entire males over the years (now 4 with my Dobe) and none have ever done this before. I have seen aroused dogs before (while working in a vet clinic I had the lovely task of helping with collection for AI) and one of my own dogs (a desexed male) tied with a bitch and the sheath was folded in on itself and I had to 'help' get things back in order and while I have no real problem doing this or dealing with these things I still think that the word "yuck' is not inapropriate. I've done things and cleaned up messes that would make most people throw up so I say 'yuck' with a smile on my face :laugh:

I never said it was abnormal, as it has never happened to my dogs before I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this happen and seeing as there are no entire bitches here, what possible reason (if any) for his arousal.

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