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Multigeneration Labradoodle?


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According to some labxpoodle friends their dogs are pure breed"labradoodles" because the are 7th generation and have papers to proove it :rolleyes: This coming from people that have rescuded dogs from shelters all their lives and then got their labradoodles from "proper" breeders and paid a small fortune :):laugh::) That is in Scotland by the way.

I am not sure why you are laughing or being smug. Labradoodles do have a registry. They do have ancestoral records. They do have breeders registered under their registry.

Personally, apart from the obvious history time difference, I feel they are on the rough side of being legitimate just as much as Mini Foxies, White Sheps, Koolies or any orther breed in exsistenace and with a registry but not recognised by the ANKC.

According to the ANKC regulations even if they have all the other requirements they will still not be recognized for the following reason

"10.2.1 Any new breed or breed of dog “under development” must have a unique breed name, and is not a combination of recognised breed names or part of a recognised breed name and it must be pertinent to the purpose of the breed."

What would be the purpose of the labradoodle besides making money for the breeders? its original purpose for the guide dog assoc it failed and the original breeder chose to opt out because he couldn't get them uniform in coat type.

this is what i dug up about being a recognised breed with ANKC

500 entire dogs registered by an association which has been incorporated for 15 years. The Australian Labradoodle Assoc has now been acting as an incorporated registering body of Laradoodles for almost 10 years.

so too is the Aussie Bulldog Association is trying to get recognised by the ANKC but they have so many different types that can be bred in the same litter that I would think they are a long way off yet. the Labradoodle is in the same boat from what i am reading and seeing. They all have to be uniform in type, size and appearance for 20 generations at least.

Just because a breed isnt recognised by the ANKC doesn't mean anything more than that. There are some breeds who have decided to deliberately not apply for ANKC recognition and based on current politics it may be smart for anyone with a breed in development to shy away from wanting ANKC recognition!

Far as I can see these breeders are doing a pretty good job, and whether or not they do apply for ANKC recognition when they have reached all of the criteria to do that is of no consequence to me.

im sure there are many other breed registries out there although i fail to see who they are for ALL BREEDS of dog for a central registry not just breed clubs or associations. I did find a new association for BYB's who have formed on the internet here in Australia. IF that is the case then any mongrel dog can get recognised, :cry: If we didn't have breed standards with the ANKC then there would be bedlam with dog breeds and it would be up to individual breeders who all think and believe in different goals. So we all need to be answerable to someone and a central registry the ANKC does that.

How about a cockapoo in America where they claim it is a legit breed and has only become popular through the internet, i watched it soar to popularity when i first logged onto the net in 1997 when there weren't many aussie reg breeders around then, these crosses are bred solely for fads no other purpose in mind.

When a purebreed is bred for fads in society or a breed is popular you are going to get plenty of BYB's not concerned with health, type or ability. inthe 70's it was the afghan, everyone had an afghan, now you don't see them around much. every decade brings a new fad of a purebreeds except in the 21st century it is now the designer dog=mongrel cross bred dog.

Edited by toy dog
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A friend of my family who oversees the entire Guide Dog breeding operation in NSW (She found us both Rover and Riddicks breeders :rolleyes:!) said that she would never recommend a labradoodle because overall they have such bad or simply unpredictable temperaments.

Would she put that down to the Poodles or the Labs?

(just stirring :laugh: )

I'd put it down to puppy buyers having no idea what sort of temperament their pup was going to have and probably having little idea of how to keep them stimulated. :) Some buyers of these dogs seem to think they're buying a furry garden ornament. :)

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The thing with the "non-shedding" coat is that a lot of people who don't own dogs, or are looking for their first dog, assume non-shedding means no work. They do not know that all non-shedding coats need very regular brushing and clipping to stay nice. That particular fact needs to be more widely publicised.

I agree. I see a lot of terribly matted Lab/Poodles, Schnauzer x Poodles and Cav x Poodles, people just think that it stays nice on it's own :o

Another problem is people who assume their cross is with a Toy Poodle or Mini Poodle and not a Standard....then get all surprised when their dog is bigger than a pure Lab!

I have a real issue with all the "oodle" and such names. If you really want to start a new breed give it it's own name. :)

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calm I think should be = trained.


A friend of my family who oversees the entire Guide Dog breeding operation in NSW (She found us both Rover and Riddicks breeders :)!) said that she would never recommend a labradoodle because overall they have such bad or simply unpredictable temperaments.

Would she put that down to the Poodles or the Labs?

(just stirring :p )

:o You would have to ask her...

I love both Poodles and Labs, but I've met bad examples of both breed.

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There was one Wheaten used that was throwing puppies with undershot jaws. She was only bred from once and then returned to her breeder.

How do you know?

I used to work for one of the founders.

Do you know which breeder it was? PM me if you can.

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I am not really a fan of poodles or labradors...but to be honest, based on looks alone (of the lab/poodle x's I have met) I quite like the mix.

Obviously they are all different so not all are going to look like the ones I have met, but if I had to choose a dog out of those 3 based on looks alone, I would choose the x.

*looks apologetically at the big boofy headed lab x in the lounge who looks just like a lab - love you bumbum* LOL

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No idea how you could pick a scruffy mutt over this

LOL, it's a good thing everyone's different. I've got to say, I don't find either the labrador or the poodle aesthetically appealing at all. But apparently people exist that don't think staffords are handsome either (!)

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Perhaps the general public just need to see more standard poodles unclipped and scruffy... they probably wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. Any poodle people have pics? Would be great to see some comparisons :laugh: (here's my bad attempt at encouraging piccies)

Here you go. 9/10 people ask if she is a labradoodle, the rest ask if she's an Irish Water Spaniel. Maybe only 1 or 2 people have gotten it right, but those have always been other poodle owners

as a scruffy puppy


shaved, and still mistaken for a doodle




Being asked doesn't bother me, people are polite about it and I just tell them she's a standard poodle

I agree poodlemum, so just reminding everyone of how gorgeous the original standard poodle is - Absolutely adorable, and because I can I have added a photo of one of my gorgeous labs, along with lovemesideways beautiful black lab! I also don't understand why you would want to muck around with either of these gorgeous breeds! Just my opinion!


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I believe this whole thread is a contravention of the forum rules! Why are we talking about a DD - isn't this a PUREBRED dog forum?

Sad isn't it, that we open the door for the oodle peddlers and give them the opportunity to promote their barrow full of oodle poo.

Try doing the same for the pedigree dogs on a mutt forum and you get instantly deleted.

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What would be the purpose of the labradoodle besides making money for the breeders? its original purpose for the guide dog assoc it failed and the original breeder chose to opt out because he couldn't get them uniform in coat type.

I hate that lame argument. What purpose does any breed have? Tell me what you think a Pug's purpose is apart from bringing joy to owners and eating? :laugh:

A breed DOES NOT need a purpose to be produced. A dog is a companion first and foremost. It doesn't need a reason to be in existence.

I also hate the stupidity of the argument that most new breeds seem to come across. To my knowledge, the ANKC is not a closed a registry. New breeds will be developed now and in the future just because they can.

I am against bybers and poorly bred dogs just as much as anyone, but breed development is breed development.

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I believe this whole thread is a contravention of the forum rules! Why are we talking about a DD - isn't this a PUREBRED dog forum?

Sad isn't it, that we open the door for the oodle peddlers and give them the opportunity to promote their barrow full of oodle poo.

Try doing the same for the pedigree dogs on a mutt forum and you get instantly deleted.

i agree i found it :laugh: with some of the comments actually promoting a DD and not sticking up for the Pedigree dog and promoting. isn't it any wonder that the public is totally confused and end up buying a DD over a pedigree, if they question why is a pedigree dog better than a DD and they get some of the answers that have been in here..... :rofl: very sad............

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I believe this whole thread is a contravention of the forum rules! Why are we talking about a DD - isn't this a PUREBRED dog forum?

Sad isn't it, that we open the door for the oodle peddlers and give them the opportunity to promote their barrow full of oodle poo.

Try doing the same for the pedigree dogs on a mutt forum and you get instantly deleted.

I do have to agree with this statement, I was banned in those exact circumstances from a x breed website.

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I believe this whole thread is a contravention of the forum rules! Why are we talking about a DD - isn't this a PUREBRED dog forum?

Sad isn't it, that we open the door for the oodle peddlers and give them the opportunity to promote their barrow full of oodle poo.

Try doing the same for the pedigree dogs on a mutt forum and you get instantly deleted.

i agree i found it :laugh: with some of the comments actually promoting a DD and not sticking up for the Pedigree dog and promoting. isn't it any wonder that the public is totally confused and end up buying a DD over a pedigree, if they question why is a pedigree dog better than a DD and they get some of the answers that have been in here..... :rofl: very sad............

They're confused because of the invalid arguments. If people stopped with the internet hype and blind following of statements made, and actually used logic and fact when discussing the downfalls of byb and the 'oodle' market, then all purebred dogs, regardless of registry, might keep their superior status.

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DDs are the elephants in the room. Their existance shouldn't be ignored. You can't learn or educate people about this issue unless you discuss it.

This dog IS an emerging breed. Sure, a lot of work needs to be done and that god awful name has to go but there are breeders who have gone way beyond F1 crosses.

I still think if people knew more about existing breeds with some or all of the characteristics of the DDs there would be a lower demand for them. The other issue to consider is that people go for these dogs because their perception is that purebreds are for dog snobs, less healthy, harder to obtain and that breeders can be difficult to deal with. Those are real issues that purebred dog folk NEED to be discussing.

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DDs are the elephants in the room. Their existance shouldn't be ignored. But you can't learn or educate people about this issue unless you discuss it.

This dog IS an emerging breed. Sure, a lot of work needs to be done and that god awful name has to go but there are breeders who have gone way beyond F1 crosses.

I still think if people knew more about existing breeds with some or all of the characteristics of the DDs there would be a lower demand for them. The other issue to consider is that people go for these dogs because their perception is that purebreds are for dog snobs, less healthy, harder to obtain and that breeders can be difficult to deal with. Those are real issues that purebred dog folk NEED to be discussing.

Yes. :laugh:

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The other issue to consider is that people go for these dogs because their perception is that purebreds are for dog snobs, less healthy, harder to obtain and that breeders can be difficult to deal with. Those are real issues that purebred dog folk NEED to be discussing.

Yes, and without wishing to offend anyone I wonder what John Q Public would think if he stumbled across this thread?

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The other issue to consider is that people go for these dogs because their perception is that purebreds are for dog snobs, less healthy, harder to obtain and that breeders can be difficult to deal with. Those are real issues that purebred dog folk NEED to be discussing.

Yes, and without wishing to offend anyone I wonder what John Q Public would think if he stumbled across this thread?

In the latest issue of the Dogs NSW Canine Journal I noted the usual party line from the President about registered breeders needing to be differentiated from the puppy farmers and BYBs under emerging laws. WE shouldn't be subject to the same external scruitiny he states. Well "good luck" is all I can say.

While the Canine Controls sit on their hands and allow "registered breeders" to rort members of the public, fail to health test and to export whole litters of pups overseas to puppy agents you know what? Those breeders are NO BETTER than BYBs and Puppy Farmers. All that differentiates them is an ANKC prefix.

EVERY registered breeder who fails to abide by the highest standard of ethics, who cross breeds (yes some do) sells pups without papers and who knowingly or recklessly breeds dogs with inheritable conditions drags all the other breeders into the crosshairs of the animal welfare lobby ready and willing to impose regulation upon us.

We are being damned by own own members and until something is done about it from WITHIN, then external regulation is not only inevitiable, but desireable IMO.

Its all well and good to blame Don Burke for promoting DDs but frankly if all was well within the purebred dog world, much of what he's sewn would never have taken root. :laugh: Now there's an elephant in this room that no one seems to want to look at.

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