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Multigeneration Labradoodle?


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I would like to see them recognized as a breed. Whether we like it or not there is a demand for them, in a couple of sizes. If people are going to buy them then I would prefer that they got them from good breeders not from petshops, BYB or puppy farms. It is petshops, BYB & puppy farms that are the 'enemy' IMO.

A friend has a second gen one. She is a smart little dog, who could easily have done a couple of dog sports. I tried to get friend to buy a purebred but failed btw :laugh: I get a couple in each class I do too. They are mainly super hypo but seem to have good natures.

They aren't going to go away. That is a losing battle.

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I'm not fussed if they exist and people want to waste their money buying something that is inconsistent in type, temperament and structure, but that is the very reason they shouldn't be recognised.

The designer dogs serve no purpose and whilst the Lab x Poodle was concieved with the intention of providing an alternative guide dog, that failed.

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I am not really a fan of poodles or labradors...but to be honest, based on looks alone (of the lab/poodle x's I have met) I quite like the mix.

Obviously they are all different so not all are going to look like the ones I have met, but if I had to choose a dog out of those 3 based on looks alone, I would choose the x.

*looks apologetically at the big boofy headed lab x in the lounge who looks just like a lab - love you bumbum* LOL

and I am not a fan of DD's nor crossbreeds or any form of promotion of these mutts for that matter. Give me beautiful Labrador or Poodle over the cross mutts any day.

If you are such a great fan of crossbred mutts why did you join a Purebred Forum and denigrate our beautiful purebreeds any chance you get. :laugh: as this is not the first time you have done this :rofl: go away and join a mutts forum instead :o

Edited by labsrule
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If you are such a great fan of crossbred mutts why did you join a Purebred Forum and denigrate our beautiful purebreeds any chance you get.

And John Q Public just turns away and walks off, with his opinion of purebred dog breeders confirmed once again...

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No idea how you could pick a scruffy mutt over this

LOL, it's a good thing everyone's different. I've got to say, I don't find either the labrador or the poodle aesthetically appealing at all. But apparently people exist that don't think staffords are handsome either (!)

I find your comments insulting to our beloved breed and very insensitive to us Labrador owners :laugh::rofl: and just more Lab bashing :o :D and I am sure the Poodle owners amongst us are probably equally incensed. Given the Labrador worldwide popularity (i.e. No. 1 most popular dog in the world!!!! including NZ :p ), you are obviously in the minority.

There are a few breeds that I don't find aesthetically appealing, but I sure as hell am not about to insult those breeds or their owners by making such insensitive comments public, particularly when this is a PURBRED FORUM of dog owners who are very PASSIONATE about their breeds. Pity you couldn't do the same. :( : Given you are a vet in training, guess who will be the majority of your client base ;) and I am sure you will have some very upset clients if you dared mention your feelings about our beloved breed. :) They would be exiting your practice in droves, and rightfully so :eek: .

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If you are such a great fan of crossbred mutts why did you join a Purebred Forum and denigrate our beautiful purebreeds any chance you get.

And John Q Public just turns away and walks off, with his opinion of purebred dog breeders confirmed once again...

You know what, who cares, I don't. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick of the denigration of our purebred dogs on a purbred forum :laugh::rofl::o

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meh, not everyone likes mini schnauzers, I'm fine with that. Couldn't care less, I love them and that is all that matters. If my vet said that he didn't find them asthetically pleasing I wouldn't bat an eye lid.

The world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same thing.

What Staranais said is hardly lab bashing. Adain's comment was about breeders, not breeds. Calm down.

Edited by megan_
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I'm not fussed if they exist and people want to waste their money buying something that is inconsistent in type, temperament and structure, but that is the very reason they shouldn't be recognised.

The designer dogs serve no purpose and whilst the Lab x Poodle was concieved with the intention of providing an alternative guide dog, that failed.

Exactly :laugh: and these mutts should be given no promotion whatsoever on this forum!!!!!

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meh, not everyone likes mini schnauzers, I'm fine with that. Couldn't care less, I love them and that is all that matters. If my vet said that he didn't find them asthetically pleasing I wouldn't bat an eye lid.

The world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same thing.

What Staranais said is hardly lab bashing. Adain's comment was about breeders, not breeds. Calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down, I will defend my beautiful breed at all costs. I don't care if you don't feel the same.

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Oh please, get over it Labsrule. Not everyone has to like the way your dog looks - everyone appreciates a different thing in their dogs, or else we would all own labradors. And it's not "insensitive" to say that the look of a particular breed doesn't appeal to you.

There's no point throwing a tanty whenever someone says they don't personally find your dog attractive. Heck, if I threw a tanty every time someone had called my stafford ugly or funny looking, I'd have thrown a lot of tanties over the years. :laugh:

You're right, as a vet I will need to be polite to any dog owner and breeder that comes in my door - whether they are breeding mutts, crossbreeds, oodles, or purebreds...

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I don't think you can educate anyone by calling their dogs 'ugly cross mutts'. I think you start making a rod for your own back when you refer to someone else's dog (which in all probability, they love) as ugly. :laugh:

I am all for education but I don't think the 'if people want to be educated they will be' argument really cuts it. It's the way the information is presented that counts as well.

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Oh please, get over it Labsrule. Not everyone has to like the way your dog looks - everyone appreciates a different thing in their dogs, or else we would all own labradors. And it's not "insensitive" to say that the look of a particular breed doesn't appeal to you.

There's no point throwing a tanty whenever someone says they don't personally find your dog attractive. Heck, if I threw a tanty every time someone had called my stafford ugly or funny looking, I'd have thrown a lot of tanties over the years. :laugh:

You're right, as a vet I will need to be polite to any dog owner and breeder that comes in my door - whether they are breeding mutts, crossbreeds, oodles, or purebreds...

No I won't get over it and yes it is insensitive and I will throw as many tanties as I want to!!!

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While I was working there 3 puppies from a litter of 5 were sent overseas to become service and assintent dogs. They all passed with flying colours.

We cant tell people what dog they should and shouldnt get but educate them about good breeders and what makes them good breeders.

Edited by whitka
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Oh please, get over it Labsrule. Not everyone has to like the way your dog looks - everyone appreciates a different thing in their dogs, or else we would all own labradors. And it's not "insensitive" to say that the look of a particular breed doesn't appeal to you.

There's no point throwing a tanty whenever someone says they don't personally find your dog attractive. Heck, if I threw a tanty every time someone had called my stafford ugly or funny looking, I'd have thrown a lot of tanties over the years. :laugh:

You're right, as a vet I will need to be polite to any dog owner and breeder that comes in my door - whether they are breeding mutts, crossbreeds, oodles, or purebreds...

No I won't get over it and yes it is insensitive and I will throw as many tanties as I want to!!!

Hmmm, fair enough. Are there any other poodle or lab owners out there who think what I said was terribly insensitive, and that I should never admit to not liking the way any breed looks?

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Oh please, get over it Labsrule. Not everyone has to like the way your dog looks - everyone appreciates a different thing in their dogs, or else we would all own labradors. And it's not "insensitive" to say that the look of a particular breed doesn't appeal to you.

There's no point throwing a tanty whenever someone says they don't personally find your dog attractive. Heck, if I threw a tanty every time someone had called my stafford ugly or funny looking, I'd have thrown a lot of tanties over the years. :laugh:

You're right, as a vet I will need to be polite to any dog owner and breeder that comes in my door - whether they are breeding mutts, crossbreeds, oodles, or purebreds...

No I won't get over it and yes it is insensitive and I will throw as many tanties as I want to!!!

Hmmm, fair enough. Are there any other poodle or lab owners out there who think what I said was terribly insensitive, and that I should never admit to not liking the way any breed looks?

I don't think what you said was at all offensive. I used to have Bull Terriers and the amount of times that I was told that they were 'the ugliest dogs' and asked 'why would you want a dog like that?' was unreal. I didn't care because to me they were/are beautiful dogs and I loved them.

There are alot of breeds out there that I don't find appealing, however each to their own and all that.

Personally I don't understand why everyone doesn't own a Dobermann, cause they are the most beautiful breed after all. :rofl:

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I get that some people wouldn't care, but if you want to educate someone why on earth would you get them on the wrong side initially? A bit of tact goes a long way, that's all I'm saying.

I think noting that you don't find a particular breed or cross as aesthetically pleasing or not your cup of tea is a bit different from saying to a complete stranger that their mutt is ugly.

Edited for punctuation

Edited by Emm
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Good grief, I get told my Pugs are ugly by my own family... in fact, my eldest daughter refers to them as the fuglies. :laugh: Imagine if it bothered me.

God you'd have no hope. You want to pray that its not tru that owners start to look like their dogs :rofl::o :D :( .

Funny thats sort of how I imagined you before I met you. :) :p ;) :eek:

Look the multi generations ones are breeding true to type and they really are doing everything right. They test and screen more than most breeders of recognised breeds


We have to start to get over this type of mentality.

The ANKC isnt the bees knees and just because someone is working toward ANKC breed recognition or simply wanting to develop a new breed which they will only ever have on an independent registry that doesnt mean we have to get bent out of shape over it.

Multi generational are not mutts and the sooner we start to get our heads around that the better it will be for dogs.

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There are alot of breeds out there that I don't find appealing, however each to their own and all that.

Personally I don't understand why everyone doesn't own a Dobermann, cause they are the most beautiful breed after all. :rofl:

Nah, dobes don't really do it for me either (ooops, now I'm REALLY in trouble!) :laugh:

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What poodlefan said.

In every puppy school i run, i get to hear how people came across their puppies. There are many issues that contribute to where people purchase their puppies and there are some that the purebred dog community could resolve, such as the ones PF mentioned.

Some people think my dogs are ugly- i don't care, they're not the ones that have to like them. There are breeds that i love to train but i would personally never own- i don't think there is anything wrong with that either.

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