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We Have A Dog Friendly Bonnie!


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:thumbsup: Bonnie earned her good behaviour points today! Next stop footy games!

Took her for a walk today with the double pram and 3yr old walking so I put on the halti as I couldnt afford for her to act up if she saw another dog. We passed 3 dogs within 1min of our walk starting. She saw them at a distance and didnt give her normal dominant signals, was wagging her tail and quiet until we got about 2m away and then started barking but excited barking with lots of crying inbetween. She was pulling,jumping around but as soon as we passed them she settled. We stopped at the park and when a resident dog started barking and growling she just gave a few barks and cries then settled and ignored within 20seconds!!!!

We passed two houses with dogs free in the front yards (friends with both owners) and on both occasions she barked 3 or 4 times then just sat wagging her tail like crazy at my feet. She jumped up twice when the 1st houses dog came for sniff and then she just ignored it. Told her to lie down and she just laid there and PLAYED!!!!! :confused: At the second house she laid down as soon as I told her (no jumping up) and played so gently for over half an hour!!! The owners were both present ofcourse.

I am gobsmacked! I have been working hard with her but I didnt think I would ever be able to let her interact with other dogs, especially bitches! So proud of her. I took photos on my mobile and sent them to OH ,he cant belive it either, asking if I drugged her before I walked her lol.

We are on our way to having a dog safe Bonnie....yay! :)

Thankyou to everyone for all the help and advise they have given me with Bonnie and for relating stories of their own dogs doggie issues, thankyou, thankyou,thankyou!

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Thanx adnil. You never know one day I may even we able to take both dogs out at the same time. Indie is a dream dog but Bonnie gets very protective of him then they walk together so they havent been out together in about 5months. Blissfull Bonnie walks are in sight and Im so looking forward to them.

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