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Worming Regime


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Not sure if anyone else does this. I find a good way to remember to worm animals every 3 months is to align it with the changing of the seasons. then I dont have to worry about writing it on the calendar. I just know when each new season starts it's time to worm. :thumbsup:

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Your dog gets sheep measles?

LOL, no. Sheep get sheep measles, but dogs can carry it & give it to sheep, and the sheep get cysts in their muscles. This gets the sheep carcasses downgraded at the works = grumpy farmers. So if you regularly take your dog onto farm land (as I do), it's polite to worm your dog for tapeworms every 4 - 6 weeks to make sure your dog can't transmit sheep measles.

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Are sheep measels also called hytatids? I think they're a kind of tapeworm and cause cysts in muscles and organs.

edit, nope they're not. :crazy:



They're related but different. :mad Hydatids are dangerous to humans, sheep measles only affect meat quality & don't hurt humans.

I don't know how big an issue they are in Aussie, but they're an issue in NZ in sheep farming areas.

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