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Questions For All The Doggy Rescues


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There is something I have wondered for some time now … but is rescue really making a difference to the number of dogs being dumped, destroyed, abandoned? I do realise rescue gives a lot of dogs a second chance ... but until I came onto this forum I never realised it was so many dogs.

We seem to have become such a throw away society where dumping is just an easy way out for so many people. They get a dog, it becomes unwanted (outgrown the cute stage, gets big, they go on holidays, the novelty wears off, dog it untrained etc), they dump it (most don't even get to rescue or places like RSPCA as this costs money) and then they turn around a get another “free” dog and the cycle continues.

A lot of people spend a lot of time, money and effort picking up the pieces … but is the message really getting through to the breeders of these dogs, the “owners” and the next generation or is this going to be a never ending cycle?

What do you think?

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Rescue on the whole do a wonderful job, but it's simply a clean up job, where some animals are saved. Rescue ( unless they are pro-active in the community and educating ) are not making any difference to the number of dogs being dumped or destroyed.

Organisations like PACERS, I can certainly see them making a difference, as they aim to prevent owners who want to keep their pets, from surrendering, rehoming or PTS, due to circumstances beyond their control or when life hits the hard.

I'd so no, the message is not getting through to the people that are producing the dogs that for whatever reason find themselves without a home and end up in our pounds and shelters. The message is certainly not getting through to those who believe their pets are disposable.

The ethical breeders have always carefully bred and selected the best homes for their puppies and certainly take back their own or assist when things go pear shaped but we still cop an undeserved flogging and are lumped in the same basket as everyone else.

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