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First Meeting With New Baby


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Well my big boy certainly takes his job as family guardian very seriously, he has been raised with kids but never had a newborn in the house before. Was worried he might be a bit excited and bouncy, but was instantly on guard duty and gentle as can be.

For those who might be wondering, constant close supervision is always practiced :thumbsup:



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Congratulations on the arrival of your new born.

Now wait until you are away from the baby (who is supposed to be sleeping)you are in another room when the baby wakes up and cries, if your boy is like mine he won't let you ignore the crying baby. You will have to check it because your dog will become the world's biggest nag. :( Mum can't you hear the baby, mum, mum as you are nudged and cajolled into the baby's room to stop it crying by your new four footed nanny.

Edited by freundhund
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:laugh: Fantastic. I love it. How beautiful.

The whippet has had 2 newborns in her 3 short years, Kimbas first. Prick eared on the first few cries then never raised again. Wait til they start rolling around on the bunny rug, the dogs show a lot of interest initially as its strange new behaviour, then they are right again. 3rd big change is not too far away with crawling, I have been getting my 2 and 5 year old to show the baby how its done. I Will really up the supervision to max again until the change is accepted as its quite easy to become too laid back with indoor dogs.

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oh, my.... lookit the little leggie!! They are so ... frail looking ... when they first come out of the oven, aren't they! Congratulations, and can I have a cyber-cuddle??!

BTW, the Phil & Ted's prams are THE BEST EVER prams. :laugh: As someone who used her first pram twenty-two years ago, and bought a Phil & Ted's just over six years ago - I know what I am talking about!

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