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I Feel Sick To My Stomach


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There is another thread about this in the News Forum which I posted to previously and in reading some updates this morning, one of which I replied to and have copied below, as the link darlingdog provided and I read has some interesting posts identifying this despicable psychopath and evidence of previous animal abuse and cruelty on her FB page and I have quoted one of the posts below. :rofl: ;) ;) . I refuse to watch the video :crazy:

Thought you might be interested in this article.

Interesting link and I read some of the posts by some people in response to Michael Bay's reward and this post says it all

Her name is Antonia Miskic – she has a FB page – there are MANY disturbing pics of ANIMAL ABUSE in her page :D it is HORRIBLE!

Another psychopath and oxygen thief in the making and the act itself was despicable and horrific enough :mad but to record the act and then post it online shows what a sick psychopath she really is :(:o :o

OMG this is so disturbing if you are like me DO NOT search for her on facebook and look at her profile. I seriously want to kill her. How she is still posting photos etc on her profile is just wrong. She should be shot. Heartless! Wish I never seen this.

Edited by Miss BeRidgierent
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I just want to add, if she's charged with anything, mental illness isn't going to satisfy me.

I have a severe personality disorder that most people think 'freaky murderer' when they hear of it, and I would never, ever think of doing something like this.

I have trouble feeling and expressing emotion or empathy at times and even I cannot fathom throwing live animals into a river and laughing while doing it. We all have some capacity to feel emotion, and hers must be very, very, very low indeed to think this is even remotely funny.

I kindof wonder what her parents are like, to so raise a child with this ability to cause such pain and misery, and not only find it funny, but be proud of doing it.

Silly, stupid, horrid little beast

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That was seriously depressing.

She probably has some form of mental illness.

Or she has been brought up in a culture that doesn't care for dogs.

Now, keeping in mind that I am not defending her actions as right in any way, but;

Not all countries/cultures see animals (dogs) in the same way as the western world, and there are plenty of people out there who would think that to be a perfectly acceptable way of "disposing of" an unwanted litter. Just as some people in our culture would think it okay to drown a rat, or to poison one with ratsack so that they die a horrible painful death. Because it's just a rat right? Hmmmm not to those who keep them as pets..

Of course it's wrong and barbaric, but there is a good possibility that the girl is not doing it for the pleasure of it, but simply because she has been raised to think this is "normal".

Good point.

I suppose we value some animals more than others (like you said, nobody would have cared if they were rats, or some form if insect).

I think because they are puppies and pretty powerless people are pretty upset, their innocence is a factor too.

In parts of Asia, they eat dogs, I have no problem with this, provided the dogs are treated in a humane manner.

Are you not aware that in Asia and primarily CHINA....they actually break every bone in a dog's body in order to inflict as much pain as possible in the belief that the more the dog suffers the better it will taste and that whilst suffering it releases endorphins that they believe will do them (the people) good? Hardly humane, not to mention that they are also known to skin dogs alive for their fur?

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I just want to add, if she's charged with anything, mental illness isn't going to satisfy me.

I have a severe personality disorder that most people think 'freaky murderer' when they hear of it, and I would never, ever think of doing something like this.

I have trouble feeling and expressing emotion or empathy at times and even I cannot fathom throwing live animals into a river and laughing while doing it. We all have some capacity to feel emotion, and hers must be very, very, very low indeed to think this is even remotely funny.

I kindof wonder what her parents are like, to so raise a child with this ability to cause such pain and misery, and not only find it funny, but be proud of doing it.

Silly, stupid, horrid little beast

Very well said and so accurate! Good for you.

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I haven't watched the video and won't but all I can say is if this is the way this girl treats a living thing and derives such pleasure, I sincerely hope that she never grows up to become a nurse or any profession that provides care for sick, old, injured or defenceless people.

I think what's most shocking is the fact that she did derive such great pleasure and then the sicko who filmed it.

Edited by conztruct
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I just want to add, if she's charged with anything, mental illness isn't going to satisfy me.

I have a severe personality disorder that most people think 'freaky murderer' when they hear of it, and I would never, ever think of doing something like this.

I have trouble feeling and expressing emotion or empathy at times and even I cannot fathom throwing live animals into a river and laughing while doing it. We all have some capacity to feel emotion, and hers must be very, very, very low indeed to think this is even remotely funny.

I kindof wonder what her parents are like, to so raise a child with this ability to cause such pain and misery, and not only find it funny, but be proud of doing it.

Silly, stupid, horrid little beast

Flawed logic.

You can't say, I have Mental Illness X and would not do such a thing, whereas the person involved, may have Mental Illness X, Y or Z and must therefore not also have the capacity to do such a thing.

She may or may not have mental illness, she might not care all together.

That was seriously depressing.

She probably has some form of mental illness.

Or she has been brought up in a culture that doesn't care for dogs.

Now, keeping in mind that I am not defending her actions as right in any way, but;

Not all countries/cultures see animals (dogs) in the same way as the western world, and there are plenty of people out there who would think that to be a perfectly acceptable way of "disposing of" an unwanted litter. Just as some people in our culture would think it okay to drown a rat, or to poison one with ratsack so that they die a horrible painful death. Because it's just a rat right? Hmmmm not to those who keep them as pets..

Of course it's wrong and barbaric, but there is a good possibility that the girl is not doing it for the pleasure of it, but simply because she has been raised to think this is "normal".

Good point.

I suppose we value some animals more than others (like you said, nobody would have cared if they were rats, or some form if insect).

I think because they are puppies and pretty powerless people are pretty upset, their innocence is a factor too.

In parts of Asia, they eat dogs, I have no problem with this, provided the dogs are treated in a humane manner.

Are you not aware that in Asia and primarily CHINA....they actually break every bone in a dog's body in order to inflict as much pain as possible in the belief that the more the dog suffers the better it will taste and that whilst suffering it releases endorphins that they believe will do them (the people) good? Hardly humane, not to mention that they are also known to skin dogs alive for their fur?

Mmm yes I am aware of this, hence 'provided they are treated in a humane manner'. The same applies to cattle and sheep.

If you are eating an animal, make sure it is slaughtered humanely.

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Oh god for ages I told myself I wasn't going to watch it, then I thought that perhaps everyone was exaggerating and maybe the puppies were sick or something. I watched her throw two before I closed it and I am feeling so upset right now. The puppy was crying and I understand that some people cull their puppies and maybe drowning is a better way to go (I wouldn't know of course) but what sort of creature could take pleasure in that? And what about the person filming it?

I remember when that was that story on the news about someone mutilating a cat, and they were talking about all the studies that showed that people who took pleasure in hurting animals were often dangerous to anyone and anything they encountered and typically can not contribute to society.

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