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Do Registered Breeders Care?


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He's a little fighter for sure :(

Doing very well and as of yesterday afternoon, he's back on Mum but I am still supplementing. :eek:

It's really hard to sleep with a baby nuzzling your neck - always in the "half" sleep if you get any but it's all worth it :)

Edited because funnily enough, my brain isn't exactly WORKING properly!

Edited by t-time
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Thanks Mita :)

Also one of the reasons that I chose not to tube feed him - his Mum is still very involved with cleaning him and all the regular Mummy-love so I was hoping for a reunion and I got that when he started suckling properly which is brilliant. :( A lot more work though ;)

Tubing is fantastic if you are having problems with the Mum but in this case, he just needed the extra care. :eek:

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The breeder of my Ruby fed Ruby every two hours and kept her alive and Im so pleased she did. She was half the size of her litter mates, now over a year down the track she is the same size as her brothers and sisters and is the greatest dog. Good on you :)

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Oh he's gorgeous. Makes me very sad as I lost a little one about three weeks ago after bottle feeding for five days. You do become very attached to the tiny ones as they fight so hard to stay with us. Good luck with him, he looks like he's thriving. :)


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Ellie - I'm so sorry...it was not my intention to upset anyone :( This guy is not out of the woods yet but he is shiny and seems very healthy so I've got my fingers crossed ;) I'm a firm believer in fate and sometimes these babies do go to the Rainbow Bridge despite our best efforts. :eek: I've had my share of those as well but you've got to keep your spirits up, hence this thread :eek:

Thanks for the lovely comments guys. :)

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He's a little fighter for sure :eek:

Doing very well and as of yesterday afternoon, he's back on Mum but I am still supplementing. ;)

It's really hard to sleep with a baby nuzzling your neck - always in the "half" sleep if you get any but it's all worth it :(

Edited because funnily enough, my brain isn't exactly properly!

I wonder why? :)


Been there done that.

All the best for the little one.

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