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Nutro - Chicken + Oatmeal/rice


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I've had Oscar on Nutro Chicken and Oatmeal for roughly 2 months and he looks stunning! I have noticed fantastic results in the way his coat is looking, the weight he has gained and the smaller the stools have become. However the downfall is he has taken to eating lots of grass and throwing up bile with bits of the biscuit in them.

His chucks are coming up unexpected and there are no holding them they just come out bless him. I am going to have to change his biscuits which is a bugger because he is quite the fussy eater and it is the only biscuit he has eaten happily ever.

Does anyone else feed or has fed this and has this problem? Would love to hear reports.

Thanks. :)

(My brother and Sister in law feed this to their Golden Retriever and Jeda is doing wonderfully on it)

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It may not be the food at all- he could have a tummy bug, or something irritating his stomach?

I thought about that and it is quite possible. I will take him off the biscuits for a couple of days and see how he goes. I have noticed him have a couple of chucks here and there since he's been on it but I didn't think too much of it because I thought he was just having a chuck but it clicked this morning when it happened so I googled it and it seems other people had the same symptoms and once taken off it stopped.

I thought I would see if any DOLer's had the same thing.

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We have fed Nutro (initallly the US product, and now the Australian made one) Lamb and Rice and Chicken and Rice to our dogs since 2000 with NO issues. We have weaned seven litters onto Nutro puppy food, again with no issues, and currently have x2 pups aged 11.5 weeks who are eating Nutro Chicken and Rice Puppy Food:)

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We have fed Nutro (initallly the US product, and now the Australian made one) Lamb and Rice and Chicken and Rice to our dogs since 2000 with NO issues. We have weaned seven litters onto Nutro puppy food, again with no issues, and currently have x2 pups aged 11.5 weeks who are eating Nutro Chicken and Rice Puppy Food:)

Can I hijack and ask your hesapandabear, if the nutro is all you feed, or do you offer mince or meat or bones as well. Thanks.

Sunnyflower, my 7 month old puppy, has been on chix and rice puppy for about 6 weeks now, and it's the only kibble he has shown interest in eating as well. But I do give it to him with chix carcuss mince. I think it was 2 days ago, I noticed him eating grass then do the whole vomit bile business. I just put it down to an upset tummy, as both my kids have recently had a viruses. Anyway, I haven't noticed him do it again, but he has been really sleepy today, really not himself, so I'm thinking it might be a bug or something, and will keep him under a close watch over the next day or two, in case I need to take him do the doggy quack.

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Guest belgian.blue

Nutro feeder here too with no issues. Though adult lamb/rice and large breed puppy. My two eat grass but only small amounts and not everyday.

Sounds like a tummy bug.

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Glad to hear others feed Nutro happily..

I don't feed just Nutro he gets steak mince mixed in with it. He loves these biscuits and has pretty much turned his nose up to everything else so hoping it is just a tummy bug. I only fed him the Nutro biscuits last night and will do the same for the next few days to establish if it was just a tummy bug. I did notice him being quite odd the night before so maybe he was just a bit odd.

Hesapandabear - You are one of the main reasons why I actually jumped onto Nutro. You were telling me about it when I was trying to establish what to change him to a few months ago and then my sister-in-law told me she had put her Golden onto it with fantastic results so I raced back to my thread just to make sure it was the same that you were feeding and then went out to get it.

I'm assuming the only difference between the chicken and rice and lamb and rice is flavour?

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I am also another happy Nutro feeder. Harry gets a handful of beef/kanga mince and 2 cups of Lamb & Rice. Its made a huge improvement to his weight, coat and stools.

I've had the same results Rysup but the bile has made me wonder if it's the biscuits or something else. He has in the last 3 months had a couple of UTI's and been on anti-biotics so he might still be getting a little thrown around by that. we will stick with it for a little while longer and see how he goes.

Pending on how he continues, if all goes well I might see if he likes the Lamb & Rice next time.

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S.F, (it's easier to type!!). Not just the flavour between C/R and L/R. C/R is formulated for dogs with a sensitive tummy. Have a good look at the ingredients list of both "formulas".

As has been mentioned, Oscar may have a tummy bug?

I shall read up on the ingredients list. he is thoroughly enjoying them and from my perspective I am so happy to see my little guy actually enjoying his food, not eating because he has to.

I am thinking you guys were right and it was tummy bug, he seems to be fine now but it does re-occur so might just keep an eye on him for a little while. :laugh:

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Just one other thing to think about, Sunnyflower...

Is he fed only once per day, cos if thats the case he might be suffering from 'empty tummy syndrome', (no its not a vet diagnosis :D )... I have Basenji's who will often throw up some bile if only fed once a day... If I divide their meals in 2 and fed roughly 12 hourly, the problem is solved. Sometime they eat grass, then chuck up bile-ish vomit, other times they will just vomit bile, seemingly out of no-where... Now I do twice daily feedings, problem solved :laugh:

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I feed my GSD who has very, very weak stomach and she is great on it , tried all the US brands Artemis etc and she is a hundred times better on nutro. Fim droppings put weight on unbelievable fast. But she has just got sick and was just a bout of gastro.

Cant speak highly enough about Nutro.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just one other thing to think about, Sunnyflower...

Is he fed only once per day, cos if thats the case he might be suffering from 'empty tummy syndrome', (no its not a vet diagnosis ;) )... I have Basenji's who will often throw up some bile if only fed once a day... If I divide their meals in 2 and fed roughly 12 hourly, the problem is solved. Sometime they eat grass, then chuck up bile-ish vomit, other times they will just vomit bile, seemingly out of no-where... Now I do twice daily feedings, problem solved :laugh:

This actually makes complete sense! I never liked the idea of feeding only once a day but if I didn't food got left over. I haven't divided it up but he always has some biscuits to chew on in the morning and he has stopped throwing up.. We got a little water throw up the other night but he had just been running around a fair bit.


I feed my GSD who has very, very weak stomach and she is great on it , tried all the US brands Artemis etc and she is a hundred times better on nutro. Fim droppings put weight on unbelievable fast. But she has just got sick and was just a bout of gastro.

Cant speak highly enough about Nutro.

:laugh: Agreed Dave.. I cannot speak highly enough of Nutro either. I just thought I would come in and clarify as I had read some reports on the net that was leaning towards the other way. We are however back to full health.

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When my dog gets a tummy upset she fasts for one day (skips a meal) and then gets small amounts of boiled chicken and rice (eg 250ml tub) twice a day or maybe three times.

She will up chuck breakfast if I am dumb enough to feed it to her too close to an exercise session. At the moment I feed her about half an hour to an hour (depending on what I'm doing) after her evening walk. And she doesn't get a lot of exercise after that apart from the occasional high speed patrol of the back yard checking for cats.

I also find nutro doesn't work well as a dog treat when she's on lead and pulling - which has happened a lot lately as various things she must not have or go near show up at our local oval. It's very hard to avoid a SWF with a nasty owner when SWF loves my dog to bits and keeps jumping on her in an attempt to get her to play. And my dog wants to play. But I don't want the mean owner to hit her. Life is hard sometimes.

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The easiest way to find out if its the product causing the vomiting is to feed something else for a few weeks.

Some dogs do seem to do better on two meals a day.

I will definitely do this in future PF. He is back on track now and although the poor munchkin has had a run of not being a 100% I think we are on top of it for now..

As you say though some dogs do better on two meals a day and I think Oscar might be one of them.

When my dog gets a tummy upset she fasts for one day (skips a meal) and then gets small amounts of boiled chicken and rice (eg 250ml tub) twice a day or maybe three times.

She will up chuck breakfast if I am dumb enough to feed it to her too close to an exercise session. At the moment I feed her about half an hour to an hour (depending on what I'm doing) after her evening walk. And she doesn't get a lot of exercise after that apart from the occasional high speed patrol of the back yard checking for cats.

I also find nutro doesn't work well as a dog treat when she's on lead and pulling - which has happened a lot lately as various things she must not have or go near show up at our local oval. It's very hard to avoid a SWF with a nasty owner when SWF loves my dog to bits and keeps jumping on her in an attempt to get her to play. And my dog wants to play. But I don't want the mean owner to hit her. Life is hard sometimes.

:laugh: that is hilarious!!

Yes I was told by a wonderful Vizsla breeder not long ago to always feed rice based biscuits as they are gentle on the tummy and if he does ever get tummy upsets feed him rice and boiled chicken. He often gets boiled chicken when I see the chicken on special which is an absolute favourite.

Oscar is on rice based biscuit and was prior to Nutro, I think he has just had a little run of ill health of late (which he is no longer) that it was all probably a combination of the lot..

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