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Dog Stabbed Inside Kennel At Lalor


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A SMALL dog has been stabbed inside its kennel at a house in Lalor, in Melbourne's north.

Coco, a maltese-shitzu cross was attacked in the yard of a house in Derrick Street about 5.25pm yesterday, police said.

Coco's owners heard yelping and ran outside to find the dog seriously injured.

They told police they saw a man jump the back fence.

The dog has undergone surgery in a veterinary clinic.

Police say the attack was random and unprovoked.

The assailant is described as being of Caucasian appearance and about 180cm tall.

He was wearing a striped or chequered shirt and a beanie.

Anyone with information relating to this crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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That's so horrible. Even if there was nuisance barking, it should have been taken up with the council. Why do people think they have a right to take the law into their own hands? I know that the council may not always act promptly, but that's no excuse to act illegally. Also, what kind of person can stab a helpless dog??? :hug::):o

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Today's paper said no barking complaints.

... received by the council. Doesn't mean neighbours weren't driven crazy by the yapping. Some councils are more responsive than others. If you're in Melbourne, compare the dog control information on the Boroondoara website to that on neighbouring Stonnington. The former is proactive regarding the problem, the latter couldn't care less.

A few houses from me there is a dog that barks very night from 4pm to 9pm. It's a staccarto-like "arh, arh, arh, arh, arh, arh, arh.....". You can (seriously) hear it 500 metres away over the noise of the Monash Freeway. What's most aggravating is that the owners are home at the time. You can see their lights on. Clearly the barking annoys them, so they put the dog outside the annoy the neighbours.

These people neeed to remember that they have neighbours who may work nightshift, or who may have a child who has to study in the afternoons. Perhaps a neighbour is prone to migraines or perhaps just wants to watch TV without this persistent aggravating background noise.

Curiously it has been quiet the past couple of nights. Hopefully it's because their owners have watched the news and been alerted to the consequences of the selfishness (both in terms of their dog and their neighbours) of their couldn't-care-less attitude.

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