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Teens Arrested For Bashing Puppy


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Most members of the judiciary are aware that those who perpetuate acts of cruelty on animals in their youth may escalate to making children or other adults victims in their adulthood.

Sick b@stards. I hope they get time for it. Jails are full of dog lovers. :p

This last comment was very clever, Poodlefan! :laugh: And true. I am from an immediate family with several members in law inforcement, and the sick stories I have heard...!I totally agree with the observation re acts of cruelty towards animals raising a red flag towards the crimes these children could be heading towards...They need to receive adequate punishment NOW. If it looks as though the law considers them too young for time even in youth detention, hopefully the humiliation of making this disgusting crime public, will be a punishment of sorts. What sort of badge of honour could you hope to attain from torturing a helpless puppy?!!!It wouldn't have earnt any merit badges in my circle, I can tell you...!

Edited by PaddyForever
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Poor little thing :cheer: I don't understand why the witness didn't stop them :laugh: My first instinct would have been to run to the aid of the puppy.

Same. :p

Me, too. Maybe would have gotten me into the poo, but I couldn't have stood by, either. :mad:(:shrug::rofl::) ;)

Edited by PaddyForever
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