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Teens Arrested For Bashing Puppy


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Four teenagers have been arrested for punching and kicking a two-month-old puppy and then throwing it through a basketball hoop.

Police said the Labrador has bad bruising and is barely able to stand after the attack at a park near Wilson Place in Papakura yesterday at 6.15pm. The dog was taken to the SPCA for treatment.

"Witnesses reported the dog being repeatedly kicked before it was thrown up a tree. The dog was motionless when it fell back down," a police spokesman said.

"One of the boys then held it by its front legs whilst another boy kicked it in the stomach. They continued punching and kicking the puppy and threw it through a basketball hoop."

Police arrested the teenagers at the scene and have referred them to Youth Aid.




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Poor little thing :laugh: I don't understand why the witness didn't stop them :) My first instinct would have been to run to the aid of the puppy.

Unfortunately if you lived in Papakura and saw a group of youths doing something like this you would be wise NOT to interfer unless armed :laugh:

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Poor little thing :D I don't understand why the witness didn't stop them :) My first instinct would have been to run to the aid of the puppy.

Unfortunately if you lived in Papakura and saw a group of youths doing something like this you would be wise NOT to interfer unless armed :D

:laugh: Really?? That makes me SO angry!! Makes me gritt my teeth.. That poor pup. grrrrr.. Made me so angry now. :laugh:

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All the acts of cruelty being reported in the media makes me ashamed to be the same species as these monsters, I realise due to the internet we are probably hearing about them more than we used to but words fail me :rasberry::laugh::laugh:

Poor puppy, I hope the rest of its life is filled with love and kindness.

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Sigh. I hope they receive proper consequences for their actions. What possesses teenagers to act in such horrible, violent ways is beyond me.

Unfortunately it seems nothing much will happen as the article refers to them not facing punishment "due to their age".

Personally I don't care how old they are. They have to face consequences or they wont learn a thing, it will just be a "badge of honour" in their sick little circles.

Such a sweet little puppy - and so tiny. It just blows my mind that anyone could do that, especially kids.

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The b*stards need stringing up :laugh: :laugh: :rofl: Potential psychopaths in the making!! What was wrong with that bloody witness, how could they do nothing when this poor defenceless pup was being attacked by these mongrels :rofl: :rofl: Poor poor baby :rasberry: hope it finds a loving forever home and gets to trust humans again. Makes me sick to the stomach and embarrassed being a Kiwi :laugh:

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The more I hear about the things some people are capable of doing the more embarassed I am at being a part of the human race. The legal system we have seems to protect the guilty and punish the innocent. no doubt the parents of thses kids would defend their behaviour, you know the 'they are just being kids' and 'it's only a dog'. Honestly the s*#t that comes out of the mouths of the parents is amazing. My sister is a teacher and the stories she tells me are unbelievable.

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Most members of the judiciary are aware that those who perpetuate acts of cruelty on animals in their youth may escalate to making children or other adults victims in their adulthood.

Sick b@stards. I hope they get time for it. Jails are full of dog lovers. :hug:

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poor little pup, thats so awful it makes me really mad.... :laugh: that kids that age have such violent tendancies....why ???? We don't live in a war torn country or have minority groups suffering extreme presecution to the point of subjugation, so why the violence, and its not a one off case, its endemic in some poorer socio economic groups?

You know what...they need the same punishment as adults, the crime is pre-meditated, an 'adult' crime so throw them in goal with the animal overs....he, he,

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