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Older Dog Very Aggressive Towards New Puppy


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Wasn't sure if this was the right place to put this, but oh well! We have a 4 and a half year old desexed male doberman. Around 6 weeks ago I bought home a male deerhound puppy. I didn't let them offically 'meet' for about a week as I wanted new puppy to get used to us/house/kids etc before bonding with other dog. We have two seperate areas in our yard, so they can talk to each other through the fence but not play. Anyway took them for a walk together as I thought it best to let them play on neutral territory and my dobe is very aggresive towards him. Bowls him over constantly and as soon as pup gets up, dobe goes for him again. Have tried growling at him to stop, and have tried leaving them alone to sort it out. But was hoping they could eventually be yarded together, but 6 weeks on and it's still not likely! The dobe even opened the skin on the puppy the other day, gave him quite a nasty bite mark that was bleeding, so it's not just 'play'. I am at a loss as to what to do, and don't want pup ending up scared of other dogs (He's a show dog!) My dobe has no issues with other dogs and has always been friendly towards other dogs, if not somewhat boisterous, but never as aggressive as he has been with pup. I mistakenly thought, that the dobe would love having a friend to play with! :) So any idea's on wht to do? I can keep them seperate indefinately, but obviously would like to walk them together without dobie killing deerhound! Help!

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It could be plain old jealousy........We have always allowed our mature dogs and new pups together form day one. We meet and greet on neutral ground on day one and from there on they are all one big happy (most of the time) family. we have always kept time spent very equal and together and made a lot of fuss over the other dogs. We have had several different male/female mixes and mostly three dogs. but we do have newfs and golden crosses. Our adult dogs seem to take on the protective role of our pups. have never had a problem in the last thiry or so years by just putting them together after a first meet.

At this stage i too would get professional help, because it sounds like there are now some issues, I hope it all goes well with some help

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No ideas sorry. Just keep them separate. dear little deerhound :) certainly don't need him to become fearful either.xxx

There is an excellent behaviourist in QLD, she is in the Caboolture/redcliffe area though. I dont know of any up your way. It can happen to anyone, dogs :D !!!

Good luck.xxxx

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Some dogs don't like puppies at all and will attack them and even kill them. I don't think this will ever work personally in your situation, it is plain dangerous for the pup. Whatever you do - for God's sake, don't leave them "to sort it out" - this phrase worries me when I hear it. The pup is defenceless against your Dobe!! If dogs don't get on, they don't get on and usually nothing will change that.

Is your Dobe desexed?

The other issue that I can see is that the puppy will remain entire if it is going to be a show dog. This doesn't work quite often.

There will be someone that will post that this can all be fine but generally, in my experience, it isn't.

Edited by dogmad
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What has me confused tho is that my dobe has always be great with other dogs! bitches and males, pups and adults, he's always just wanted to play. I've had 2 other dogs since I've had him (neither worked out for various reasons and were rehomed) and he was great with them. We partly got another dog for HIM! And he will play with him for awhile, but will just suddenly turn on him and get really rough :laugh: Poor puppy. At least we CAN keep them seperated!

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One was an adult male (desexed) the other was a female puppy. The female we had for over 12 months but we bought her on breeders terms which we ended up being unable to meet, so we rehomed to another breeder. The other was a RSPCA rescue that we only had for around 4 weeks due to massive behavioral problems that again, we couldn't fix! In both cases our dobe loved them and they used to zoom around the yard together, sleep together etc etc, which i why I assumed he'd be fine with the new boy. :laugh: It's just really weird

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