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You Are Right!


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Thanks to all those who have suggested that leash walking is more tiring than off leash free running!

You're right!

Just returned from a very satisfying leash walk with Mindy. She is absolutely knackered and fell aslepp about 2 mins after returning. She is now snoring away happily.

I was a bit skeptical when this was first suggested, I couldn't really see how walking on a lead could be more tiring that running around crazily.

But I was willing to try, so we did a 20 mintue walk and practised "proper walking" ie no sniffing, no distractions. We also practised all her guide dog stuff on the way such as finding the crub, finding stairs, finding a seat.

I can't believe how tired she is now!

She would run around crazily all day if i let her and shows no sign of becoming tired after a park visit.

Glad I have found a way to tire her.

Thanks for another great suggestion and tip DOLers!!! :thumbsup:

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I must be the odd one out :thumbsup: I've always thought leash walking was more tiring. Whenever my dogs have an offlead romp they have a little burst of zoomies and then just plod along sniffing or maybe say hello to another dog. I much prefer solid leash walking for 30-60 minutes and so do they :thumbsup:

Edited by Mim
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Agree, leash walking is more tiring - mine are now fast asleep (though they would be anyway!!) after a 50 min walk. I love going for long leash walks - put on my backpack and off we go, sometimes for 2-3 hrs at a time. They have improved so much as well with all this leash walking and are a pleasure to walk (most of the time!). They do get off-lead play time, in controlled situations, and they have a great time playing with the other dogs, but they certainly appear to be more tired after the leash walk.

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Thankfully Mindy is finally at the stage where the walk is enjoyable for me. Before she would have little tantrums and refuse to move at all or absolutely insist on sniffing something or not move at all.

We have been working for a long time on her lead walking and today it seemed like it finally all came together and she behaved in a proper guide-dog like fashion.

I am looking forward to doing some long walks with her when she gets older.

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I think leash walking is a big aerobic work out for a dog, the normal activity patterns for my two is to rush around like a pair of berserkers for a few minutes then collapse and have a rest then be off again which is more about anaerobic exercise. It only takes a few minutes to recuperate before they can go again. Taking them for a leash walk makes them exercise at a lower intensity for a much longer period which takes longer to recover from.

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