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Mandela Ate Some Chicken Wings!


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I really hope the Chinese Herbs help ...

I hope so too, Lab_Rat. I'm a bit dubious (but it is hard to be optimistic when so many other things "that have always helped other dogs" have proven unsuccessful for Mandela) as there were some other Chinese herbals he was on for the same(ish) thing and they didn't make one iota of difference. I'm really glad you have had success from them for Zola and that's fantastic that Zola was ok with the beef brisket bones. *Touch wood*. If that can remain a fact - that is a HUGE progressive step!!!

Maybe with the thyroidal assistance for Mandela, these other things will have half a chance of working now. Maybe - but I'm ready for disappointment. I think it is still going to be a long, slow road to recovery. I don't mind that thought - I will just really love it if the recovery could bear some consistency to it.

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:eek: I know that squeal.

:laugh: .... Amazing, isn't it? Such a high, pitched loud 'girly' squeal. Yet his bark is so 'BIG' and strong.

Thanks for the good wishes, SK. I think the next time I intro chicken wings (here's hoping he's not gone off them again after this latest event), I will use meat scissors to chop them down so I can give them in smaller portions. ETA: No. Having an after thought - I think chopping them is a bad idea, as he might not bother to chew them at all.

Or perhaps I shouldn't be giving them at all at this stage :thumbsup: ? I have a feeling that part of the problem is that his digestive system might not be breaking the bone component down sufficiently. I think the other part of the problem is that his intestinal tract is inflamed and therefore tightly coiled - which would make it hard for him to move bulk through.

Just my unprofessional/lay person's guess. :laugh:

Edited by Erny
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I really hope the Chinese Herbs help ...

I hope so too, Lab_Rat. I'm a bit dubious (but it is hard to be optimistic when so many other things "that have always helped other dogs" have proven unsuccessful for Mandela) as there were some other Chinese herbals he was on for the same(ish) thing and they didn't make one iota of difference. I'm really glad you have had success from them for Zola and that's fantastic that Zola was ok with the beef brisket bones. *Touch wood*. If that can remain a fact - that is a HUGE progressive step!!!

Maybe with the thyroidal assistance for Mandela, these other things will have half a chance of working now. Maybe - but I'm ready for disappointment. I think it is still going to be a long, slow road to recovery. I don't mind that thought - I will just really love it if the recovery could bear some consistency to it.

Yeh, well I think I spoke tooooooooooooooo soon!!! Miss Zola has developed itchy ears, she scratched the crap out of one!! Pawpaw ointment for that one tonight.

So I may try lamb bones next time, though something other than shanks or ribs..... :D

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Sorry to hear that, LR. Poor Zola's ear :laugh:. Ouch.

Hope you get back on top of it quickly. Wait for quite a good while before you experiment again. IME it is not just about waiting for things to get better on the outside. It's also about the body having enough time to 'forget' it was reactive to those certain food types in the first place. And then you only want to try just a little. Wait. And then give it a bit of a break before you offer a little more again. Just my opinion and something that I've determined from myself being allergic to certain make-ups.

Silly me, really ..... for giving Mandela the chicken wings so soon in the piece. I should have known better. His digestive system will take a good amount of time to improve, if it is going to improve at all.

He's done some poop and the last lot held some form. But his really foul smelly farts are back - they are REALLY rotten. We had nearly 2 weeks reprieve from those and that was bliss.


Edited by Erny
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Sorry to hear that, LR. Poor Zola's ear :). Ouch.

Hope yhttp://www.dolforums.com.au/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gifou get back on top of it quickly. Wait for quite a good while before you experiment again. IME it is not just about waiting for things to get better on the outside. It's also about the body having enough time to 'forget' it was reactive to those certain food types in the first place. And then you only want to try just a little. Wait. And then give it a bit of a break before you offer a little more again. Just my opinion and something that I've determined from myself being allergic to certain make-ups.

Silly me, really ..... for giving Mandela the chicken wings so soon in the piece. I should have known better. His digestive system will take a good amount of time to improve, if it is going to improve at all.

He's done some poop and the last lot held some form. But his really foul smelly farts are back - they are REALLY rotten. We had nearly 2 weeks reprieve from those and that was bliss.


Oh yeh, I will be waiting, and not going there again!!! It was an experiment with beef and bones! She is pathetic anyway, when it comes to eating bones. It almost as if anything bigger than a chicken wing is tooooo scary for her!! I remember spending about an hour laying in front of her helping and coaxing her to eat a chicken carcass :laugh: Meanwhile the Kelpie had already finished hers and couldve gone another

I know now (well I think I do :laugh: ) that she definitely doesnt tolerate beef. So it will be back to lamb for a while. She hasnt had chicken for a while either - that seems to make the inside of her lips very irritated.....In a couple of months I will give turkey a go I think!

Poor dogs!!! I wish they could talk! Let us know exactly what was going on with them when something doesnt agree with their tummies!

I hope Mr Mandela is feeling better soon...

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