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I answered in the training thread, but just wanted to add that I have never corrected if my dog has blown off a recall. It's not a situation that fits with the good use of punishment IMO. You can't guarantee that you can do it at the right time every time. We went after Kivi a few times in the early training phase, but mostly the idea is that you try very hard not to call them if they might not come until you are more sure they will come. We have managed that with long lines and being careful about where and when we let them off to begin with. We used to do long lines in the park, which is frankly dangerous to humans and dogs, but I found it hard to get away with not doing it a few times at some point. Preferably when it's quiet and the other dog park users are people you know.

Anyway, we use high value rewards and reward for every successful recall. If they don't come right away they don't get the special recall treats, but we usually give them some opportunity to earn everyday treats anyway. It is an ongoing process! Kivi has been reliably recalling for over a year and we still practice several times a week and carry special recall treats to maintain his good recall and always will. Erik is easier because he panics if he can't find us, so you just kinda yell over your shoulder and walk off and he will be racing after you. He is highly motivated to stay with his group. We still practice his recall a few times a week, too. In hindsight, we should have picked a recall that didn't have names in it, but the boys generally recall to each other's recalls just as well as they do to their own.

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