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Brighton Kennel Club - 4th September


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We seriously debated NOT going, but I had a Heartstring to deliver (hope you still like it lovey! :o) and we had to go grocery shopping anyway so killed a few birds with one stone.

Allerzeit, we looked out our loungeroom window in your direction and thought "nup, she won't be going". It was completely white with fog between us and you! :D

Oh and if you want to know a really good shortcut between Hamilton and Brighton, just holler and I'll give it to you. It saved us around 20 minutes in this shocking weather so probably even more in good weather.

And if you're heading up North, or even considering it....go via Bothwell and cut through to the Midlands Highway from there. You get back on the Highway at Melton Mowbray and it can save quite a whack of time instead of going all the way to Bridgewater and then up that way. :(

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Allerzeit, we looked out our loungeroom window in your direction and thought "nup, she won't be going". It was completely white with fog between us and you! :(

We were fogged in pretty much all day - and it seems I have an OH with "kennel cough" as well, so it's probably a good thing that he wasn't out in the wet getting more miserable :o

Oh and if you want to know a really good shortcut between Hamilton and Brighton, just holler and I'll give it to you. It saved us around 20 minutes in this shocking weather so probably even more in good weather.

Ohh yes, please! That would be great, thanks :hug:

And if you're heading up North, or even considering it....go via Bothwell and cut through to the Midlands Highway from there. You get back on the Highway at Melton Mowbray and it can save quite a whack of time instead of going all the way to Bridgewater and then up that way. :D

Sounds like a plan :D When we came down from Devonport we turned off at Melton Mowbray to Bothwell, and then we were meant to go from Bothwell to Hamilton and up the Lyell highway. I was following OH, and he turned off from Bothwell to Ouse instead :eek: 30 km of horribly windy, unsealed goat track with two full trailers was not fun! Next time it will be Hamilton, Bothwell, Melton Mowbray and up or I will kill him! ;)

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OK, shortcut to Brighton goes through Elderslie. You go through Hamilton heading towards New Norfolk and it is the turnoff at the top of the hill where the overtaking lane ends coming the other way. First left turn past the Hamilton Plains Road intersection. Dirt for part of the way but not undriveable. And believe me, I.DO.NOT.DO.GRAVEL!!!!!!!!! :p

Gotta love the goat track from Ouse to Bothwell. Would you believe buses actually go that way? :love:

But the best way to Bothwell is to turn left at the Hollow Tree Rd turnoff about 3kms out of Hamilton towards New Norfolk (and directly opposite my large paddock). The road is sealed and whilst windy, isn't in too bad condition, although we drove it today and it needs a bit of work.

Coming the other way from Melton Mowbray via Bothwell, you missed the turnoff....should have turned left between the shop and the servo (which is right next to the pub) and that would have brought you out onto the Lyell Highway at the intersection mentioned immediately above.

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Great, thanks for that! :love: We will have to give that one a try!

And of course, next time you drive into New Norfolk, if you're on the Lyell Highway, bip your horn and give me a wave! Little creamy/yellow cottage with green shutters on the right opposite the Bothwell turnoff.

Actually, we'll have to organise to meet up for a cuppa in New Norfolk some time....and did you know they've just opened up a lolly/ice cream parlour there? Next to Banjos! :p

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and did you know they've just opened up a lolly/ice cream parlour there? Next to Banjos! :rofl:

Noooooo! :love: And did you know that I've gained 2 kilos since arriving here?? :laugh: Damn Tasmanian goodies :rofl: :p

Ahhhh....EVERYBODY in the Central Highlands knows that it is far more comfortable to layer the body in fat during winter/spring. Polar fleece just don't cut it! :p

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