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Adult Bitches Intolerance Towards Pups


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I have had numerous Whippets over the years, at the moment i have a 5 year old bitch who is quite dominant and an 18 month old male. The bitch has never tolerated puppies or other bitches and seems to actually dislike her own breed. However down at the park, on or off lead, she is absolutely fine with other breeds and adult dogs and plays quite happily.

I have just brought an 11 week old whippet bitch home and my older girl is so intolerant of her she has actually attacked her a few times now. Not caused any damage or broken skin, but its not nice for the pup and scares the hell out of it. She wont even tolerate the pup touching nose to say hello, let alone it jumping up at her or sleeping with her.

Is there anything that can be done to retrain her behaviour or do i just have to accept that thats her personality and be careful with them. I suspect as the pup gets older she will be better. She is such a grumpy cow and it makes me so angry because most Whippets love their own kind and are very gentle.

None of them are desexed and wont be.

Any ideas from people in the know about behaviour?

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Absolutely see a behaviourist but in the mean time I would recommend that you keep them seperate and take no chances at trying to modify this behaviour yourself. Every time your bitch attacks this pup you risk permenantly scarring your pup and I don't just mean physically.

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I am trying to establish whether it is indeed a behavioural problem or whether it is just her temperament and accept it. Im not going to force her to like puppies if thats the way she is, nor reprimand her. Behaviour wise - she is perfect in every other way. She is just a dominant bitch. She has had 3 litters and nutures and loves her babies like she should, until they get to the age where they are running around and getting cheeky, then she does the same with her own pups, its as if she is telling them off and reprimanding them, severely!

On the other hand, i also dont want this puppy or any future ones i bring home, traumatised.

They are separated unless i am with them, now that ive seen how much she is objecting to the pup. Ive only had the pup 2 days.

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