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Poppy Goes To The Library...


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Yesterday morning I went off to work leaving DF in bed with Poppy.

It was his day off and we found that if I put her out before I go to work with DF still in bed she scratches at the door and carries on. So we have been leaving the back door open for her to go out if she needs toilet but usually she just sleeps with DF until he gets up! :shrug:

Yesterday, DF didn't get up till after 11am and OH MY GAWD!!!!

He went out to see what our darling cherub was doing...

She had gotten not ONE but TWO books OFF the bookself, had taken them outside and proceeded to RIP them to shreds! :o:eek:

When I got home he showed me the damage. Needless to say we have A LOT of cleaning up to do in our yard this weekend...there is literally paper EVERYWHERE!!!

When I went outside I was so shocked and called Poppy. She came to the back door, looked at me and where I was standing and wouldn't come any further. I wasn't yelling at her or anything but I wasn't using my "So happy with you, high pitched voice either". I tried a few times to call her out as if to say "LOOK at what you have done!!!" but she stood at the door and made a little whine then went and layed under the dining room table. All submissive and sorry looking!

I have read SO many times that you should never punish or repremand unless you catch them in the act...and I wasn't about to yell at her or anything like that but I was really surprised to see that she reacted that way. Like she KNEW she had done a BAD thing! I even asked DF if he had yelled at her and he said "No, coz you told me only to say NO if I catch her doing it" (HE's a good boy! haha!).

So anyway...that brings me to my next question...

I KNOW she did this because she was BORED! And I feel bad! So I want ideas of things to put in the yard to keep her entertained.

Is she too young for a clam shell? Half filled with sand and the other half filled with water on hot days? She is 8 and a bit months?

If I hide treats in the digging shell what sort of treats do I hide? What sort of sand do I fill it with? Where do I get said sand?

She loves raw hides and bones and we do give her those but I think I need to stock up so I have a stash that is never ending!

She has a puppy Kong but is it time for a big girl one? She doesn't seem interested in her puppy one anymore!

Any other ideas???

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:o that made me laugh!

especially the title :eek:

You know what.... I think even if dogs have all the toys and entertainment in the world sometimes a little destruction is just so much more fun!

especially at her age!

Also I think dogs know when they have done something naughty even without yelling... Mine do it all the time when I catch them in the act... Must be body language or they can just sense it or something..

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:eek: that made me laugh!

especially the title :shrug:

You know what.... I think even if dogs have all the toys and entertainment in the world sometimes a little destruction is just so much more fun!

especially at her age!

Also I think dogs know when they have done something naughty even without yelling... Mine do it all the time when I catch them in the act... Must be body language or they can just sense it or something..

Thanks! Yesterday arvo I was SO annoyed with her. And it was like she knew it. She sat on DF's lap, on the other side of the lounge just looking at me as if to say "Im sorry!!!" :o

And I guess my body language was saying "I AM NOT IMPRESSED!!!"

I'd still like to explore the idea of getting her something to dog in, because she has been digging and we have been filling it in. We're in a rental so we don't really want the whole yard dug up! She's not doing it to that extreme yet but I would rather give her a designated digging place now to try and stop it!

I really wish there was Doggy Daycare close to us! Just so she could go one day a week and get all worn out! Between DF and I we are home 3 to 4 days a week so she is not home alone 5 days a week!

Do people with two dogs have these issues? Or do they tend to keep one another entertained???

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Dogs can be quite sensitive about changes in your muscle tension. If I talk through my teeth at Erik but am just playing with him, he does not get upset, but if I am angry and talk through my teeth at him he gets very submissive and comes looking for reassuring cuddles. He doesn't know what he has done to make me turn unpleasant, but he knows that one is bad and he knows when it's directed at him. One day I found him chewing on my $900 binoculars. I didn't yell at him because it was my fault, not his, but he could tell from my body language that I was very upset and I was ignoring his attempts to gain reassurance from me because I didn't trust myself to be fair to him. In the end, he grew increasingly distressed until I let him up for a cuddle. Sometimes I think he doesn't know what he's done, but senses that I'm upset with him and seeks to "mend" the rift with submissive and affiliative behaviour. Once he is reassured he relaxes and the submissive behaviour stops.

As for the clam shell, I think she's old enough. We also have a funky pyramid toy that has a hole at the top where treats fall out when the dog knocks it over. It is weighted so it bounces back upright again. It's a good change from Kongs. You can also make them "pass the parcel" style games where you tie pockets of treats into cloth strips so they have to undo the knots to get the treats.

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When YOU go out the door, a tasty bone might be a good idea.

Or stock up on old phone books. :shrug:

:o I like the phone book idea. :eek:

I have a just desexed girl at home, keeping her quiet/calm has been somewhat of a challenge.

This seems to have kept her quietly entertained for hours


It's one of those rubber toys with holes (which she never really cared for). I've stuffed a venison ear into it and it's her new favourite thing.

She's managed to eat about half of the ear since yesterday.

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Dogs can be quite sensitive about changes in your muscle tension. If I talk through my teeth at Erik but am just playing with him, he does not get upset, but if I am angry and talk through my teeth at him he gets very submissive and comes looking for reassuring cuddles. He doesn't know what he has done to make me turn unpleasant, but he knows that one is bad and he knows when it's directed at him. One day I found him chewing on my $900 binoculars. I didn't yell at him because it was my fault, not his, but he could tell from my body language that I was very upset and I was ignoring his attempts to gain reassurance from me because I didn't trust myself to be fair to him. In the end, he grew increasingly distressed until I let him up for a cuddle. Sometimes I think he doesn't know what he's done, but senses that I'm upset with him and seeks to "mend" the rift with submissive and affiliative behaviour. Once he is reassured he relaxes and the submissive behaviour stops.

As for the clam shell, I think she's old enough. We also have a funky pyramid toy that has a hole at the top where treats fall out when the dog knocks it over. It is weighted so it bounces back upright again. It's a good change from Kongs. You can also make them "pass the parcel" style games where you tie pockets of treats into cloth strips so they have to undo the knots to get the treats.

Thanks! :o Where dod you get your Pyramid toy from? Love the idea of the cloth strips and the treats too!

And I guess my body language was saying "I AM NOT IMPRESSED!!!"

There's your reason for her reaction..

Move the books or shut doors. When YOU go out the door, a tasty bone might be a good idea.

Or stock up on old phone books. :shrug:

Thanks! Have already moved ALL the books that are on the lowest shelf...the the higher shelf! :eek:

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Thanks! :o Where dod you get your Pyramid toy from? Love the idea of the cloth strips and the treats too!

I don't remember exactly where I got mine from, but they have them here: http://www.wagschoolbooks.com.au/shop/nina...a-ottosson.html

Mind you, they are not the best toy for a sleep-in! Erik slams ours around the kitchen so hard that I swear he's going to put it through a wall one day. He is always getting it wedged in the most ridiculous places. Behind the fridge, under cupboards... basically anywhere it will fit it somehow ends up. So either it's being slammed across the kitchen or it's stuck somewhere he can't get it out. If we want a sleep in and the dogs don't, we give them cow hooves or a Kong. They don't get them when we are not at home, though, as they can get stuck on the roof of their mouths.

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I caught Genevieve with the digital camera in her possession this morning :confused: . She had turned it on and when I took it off her I realised that she had managed to take a couple of pictures! It was on the dining room table and she helped herself to it while I was in the shower...

I didn't say anything to her... I just took it away from her and gave her one of her toys.

Just when you think the place is puppy proofed!

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I caught Genevieve with the digital camera in her possession this morning . She had turned it on and when I took it off her I realised that she had managed to take a couple of pictures! It was on the dining room table and she helped herself to it while I was in the shower...

Did she take good photos?

please post them! haha

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I caught Genevieve with the digital camera in her possession this morning :) . She had turned it on and when I took it off her I realised that she had managed to take a couple of pictures! It was on the dining room table and she helped herself to it while I was in the shower...

I didn't say anything to her... I just took it away from her and gave her one of her toys.

Just when you think the place is puppy proofed!

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Poppy has NEVER gone for electricals! As a small pup she used to try and chew our laptop cords but we stopped that VERY quickly!

I swear it's harder to puppy proof than it is to child proof! At least a toddler can't jump onto the dining/kitchen table! :confused:

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Clearly Poppy was just after a good book to pass the time! :)

James has had a clam shell since fairly early on, but I stopped filling it up. Can't remember why - I'm thinking maybe because it's incredibly annoying to have a constantly wet dog. Although he's forever splashing around on the top step of the pool anyway, so there must have been another reason. Perhaps it didn't entertain him. He does enjoy fishing debris out everytime the rain fills it up though. My little retriever boy :) You're in Ipswich, yeah? I'd be interested in knowing where you find some sand if you follow that route - I know James would love a sandpit, but I haven't worked out where to get sand from.

:confused: Cracking up here at Genevieve taking photos! Are they any good?

I came out of the shower the other morning to find my iPhone headphones completely mangled - I trust him alone with my laptop but completely forgot that I'd just left the headphones lying there, still plugged in. Very cranky! :) Although, to his credit, I think it's the first household thing (aside from a potplant) that he's actually destroyed.

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Clearly Poppy was just after a good book to pass the time! :rofl:

James has had a clam shell since fairly early on, but I stopped filling it up. Can't remember why - I'm thinking maybe because it's incredibly annoying to have a constantly wet dog. Although he's forever splashing around on the top step of the pool anyway, so there must have been another reason. Perhaps it didn't entertain him. He does enjoy fishing debris out everytime the rain fills it up though. My little retriever boy :rofl: You're in Ipswich, yeah? I'd be interested in knowing where you find some sand if you follow that route - I know James would love a sandpit, but I haven't worked out where to get sand from.

:confused: Cracking up here at Genevieve taking photos! Are they any good?

I came out of the shower the other morning to find my iPhone headphones completely mangled - I trust him alone with my laptop but completely forgot that I'd just left the headphones lying there, still plugged in. Very cranky! :rofl: Although, to his credit, I think it's the first household thing (aside from a potplant) that he's actually destroyed.

Yes, clearly! :)

I think having a wet dog would be annoying too especially if she was dirty too as she sleeps on our bed! :)

I was thinking Bunnings for sand but I really don't know...

Are you close to Ipswich too? :)

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No, Genevieve's pictures were not any good. It's a shame really.... She could have been the next biggest thing!!! She did not inherit her father's knack for photography I'm afraid. They were just blurry... I gather she pressed the button while she was trying to munch on the cord. :laugh: Had I not deleted them, I would have posted them for you!!! (I never read this thread until long after deleting the pics).

She has chewed my phone charger in half before, but after I put the fear of Christ in her, she doesn't even go near that corner anymore. My husband of course, just laughed. And then worked his cable man magic (new I was married to an audio nerd for a reason! :laugh: ) We have a potted indoor plant (named Edward - don't ask me why, audio nerd's doing), which she is slowly murdering. Poor Edward starts to reserect (sp?) himself and then she kills him again! And it doesn't matter where I put him either.

I agree with a PP, it doesn't matter how much you give them, they still want to trash the place! I am pretty sure Genevieve does it to get my attention. She knows what she can and cannot play with and I see her watching me as she goes for something....

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My sweet & pretty tibbie girl, Angel, chewed up two books owned by the local library, while home alone.

First one, was chewed all around the edges. And I knew why. I'd read the book, so it strongly had the scent from my hands on it. And bored dogs will 'go' for something like that. Socks, shoes etc. So I gave myself a whack for leaving the book within her reach.

But I had to go to the Library with the mangled book & 'fess up that my dog, Angel, ate it. Librarian fell about laughing. She said, 'Your dog can read!" 'Huh?' She pointed to the title. It was 'Epitaph for an Angel'. I had to hand over the replacement price of the book.

From then on, I carefully put books out of Angel's reach. One day, I forgot. Angel made a chewy meal of another Library book. Back I went with the mangled mess to the same librarian. She fell about laughing, again. She said,'I think your dog is trying to ask you for something. Look at the title.'

It was 'What Terrorists Want.' Once again I had to pay $40+ to replace the book.

I became paranoid about putting books up high. And, from then on, I gave Angel a soft toy that I'd rubbed all over with my hands, so she had something legit to chew, when home alone.

Here's the 'terrorist' Angel:


Edited by mita
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Jane LOVES books! I now have a book shelf at home with only the top shelf used for books and the rest are empty. Not only does she love the books but also the chellenge of getting them! I dream of buying book selves with doors!

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We live in West Brisbane and have been looking for sand for hermit crabs recently. Bunnings sells large bags of sand (for less than $10). Centenary landscape supplies also sell very white clean sand which we have used in clam shells for our kids. I have to admit, part of my reason for sending our dog to day care on my work days is to stop him from coming up with genius ideas for destruction! Poppy must have had a great time at the library!!!

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