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Can't Keep A Good ? Dog Down


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This is Gert

gert is about 11

gert has a wound on her side.

gert has a 'bucket' on to stop her licking said wound.


gert is a bitch :o

gert has not let the bucket stop her doing anything.

gert can bash weeds, run thru fences, hunt feral cats...

gert can also JUMP up into the back of teh 4WD traytop and get into the rubbish which was about to be taken out to the tip!!!

gert took a milk carton with roast drippings in ..and of course got it over her head ... when we saw her stumbling around, she looked like an alien box/bucket headed garbage monster.


gert is a bitch!!

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She is a horror - tough and smart .. and a sleaze :) She was a working dog until she hurt her back some years ago.. then she weaseled her way inside ..... oh, my back hurts, I can't stand the pain, I need to be inside ...... (where I can sneak the cat food and catch the crumbs and be fed breakfast in bed)

She also is 'top dog' outside.. only weighs about 14 kg .. and bosses the bigger dogs around .

she had to be washed after the escapade this morning, of course- fat, garbage all over her and her bucket! :confused:

Edited by persephone
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