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Sophie - 15 Week Cavalier Update.


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I just do not agree with dogs being in peoples beds.

If people want a dog to sleep on their bed that's their choice. Personally I'd be happier selling a puppy to someone who wanted it to sleep on their bed than to someone who wanted the dog to sleep outside.

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I have a 20 month old Cavalier and a 8 month old Cavalier - both have slept on our bed but to be honest, I like my space at night and both dogs like to sleep sideways under the covers - so not a lot of room for DH and me :thumbsup:

We have a dog bed on the floor next to our bed and it has a piece of plywood(?) beside it rigged up to form a barrier (our version of a crate). Both dogs initially come up on our bed at first and hubby and I have a cuppa and read for a while. When we are ready for lights out, we say "Bedtime" and they will walk over to us to be put down onto their dog bed. The 8 month old generally needs a potty break around 3-5am some nights and he will wake us. If it is around 5, they will then be allowed back onto the bed afterwards until our alarms go off around 6. They snuggle into my warmth and it is not unusual for me to wake up with a little head nestled into my neck and another head in the crook of my knee. :thumbsup:

I don't have kids yet and won't be a co-sleeper with them. My 2 CKCS, know their boundaries and even if we fall asleep and they are on the bed, they don't automatically expect it the next night :laugh:


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This is no attack on the OP but why to people let there dogs sleep on there bed?

Why not? :thumbsup:

Anyone who even mentions the word "pack" or "pack leader" in the context of dog training should consider that dog packs sleep together. Its a matter of personal choice as I see it.

Dogs for the most part are social animals. If you keep only one dog, consider for a moment how you are meeting that dog's psychological needs if you dont allow it to at least sleep near you.

Had I not had one of mine sleeping in the bedroom (on the bed) he'd be dead now. You don't get to find out if your dog is violently ill in the middle of the night if its in the back yard. :thumbsup:

Edited by poodlefan
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This is no attack on the OP but why to people let there dogs sleep on there bed? I dont get it. they are a dog not a person. they need to learn to sleep in there space not in yours.

I am taking a big leap and guessing you dont have kids? what happens when you do and the bub comes in and the dog gets kicked out (it happens all the time) then you will have an extreamly unhappy dog.

The rest sounds like you are doing awsome.

I just do not agree with dogs being in peoples beds.

It matters not whether you approve of what other people do with their dogs in their own home because really, it's none of your business. I doubt anyone is seeking your approval before allowing their dogs to sleep on the bed.

I have 3 dogs. My small deaf dog always sleeps on my bed. My elderly large breed dog never does because she couldn't get up there anyway and the other little one sometimes does.

As long as people love their dogs and take good care of them is all that's important.

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When my son brought home Sooty as a puppy we used to have a lorikeet in a birdcage in the back yard. Sooty used to go down a few times a day & bark & prance around the cage at the bird. As she got older her & the bird were friends & when the bird was loose in the house there was no problems with her chasing the bird. Same now with my cat & our present lorikeet. The cat was a 3 week foundling when my son found her, so she has always known the birds.

As to sleeping in the bed, I don't have my dog sleep with us, she has her own bed in her 'own room' & is happy to sleep there. When I 1st got her she slept happily in her crate but after a month she started performing every night for hours on end. We tried ignoring her but the workers in the house would go out to her so I eventually I let her sleep on her dog bed & she is happy to sleep there. There's a difference to having the dog sleep outside, to inside the house.

The cat's a different kettle of fish, she sleeps with us most nights.

As to having babies, when I had my 1st I used to get up for night feeds, by the time I had my 2nd I was so tired I took him to bed for feeds. Six yrs later when I had my 3rd son I'd bring him to bed for feeds, fall asleep, so he spent some nights sleeping with us. So I think no place for dogs.

I think of what the breeder of my 1st border collie told me, their male bc used to sleep with them until he started to growl at the husband when he came into the bedroom & finally wouldn't let him in the bed, so not all dogs should sleep in ppls beds. There are also the cases of dogs that are so jealous of a new baby that they have killed it. Another reason not to sleep with your dog if you intend having babies, unless you de-sensitise the dog in the months prior to birth.

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Sophie sounds like a sweet little puppy and behaving remarkably well :) I find with chooks its a gradual proccess of de-sensitisation and supervision, at the moment everything in Sophies world is new and exciting.

Dogs on the bed is a personal preference I guess but my dogs have always slept on my bed and I have never had an issue. At one stage I had a Staghound, Kelpie and Cocker sleeping on the bed and it was a bit of a squeeze, until I got divorced :D

My son has never been adversly affected by beddogs but he does prefer the cat on his bed because the cat doesn't take up as much room.

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Preferences are so different when it comes to dogs and as long as the dog is looked after, I don't think it's really a problem. Sometimes people come on this forum and say that their dog is an outside dog and a lot of people get really upset about that. My family are still incredulous that we have Elbie as a mostly inside dog :D

As for sleeping ... much as I'd love to have Elbie sleep on our bed:

1. I have allergies that I am keeping under control now - I'd just be tempting fate if I let him in our bed

2. We have a funny vision of waking up at night with a dog staring into our face - that would just be too weird for us :eek:

Fortunately for us, he loves his crate a lot and it's a comfy and safe place for him.

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I think of what the breeder of my 1st border collie told me, their male bc used to sleep with them until he started to growl at the husband when he came into the bedroom & finally wouldn't let him in the bed, so not all dogs should sleep in ppls beds.

I agree in that situation it's a good idea to keep the dog off the bed. In that situation, there are probably also other underlying issues in the relationship that need to be looked at or monitored.

If my dog started to try to keep other people out of my bedroom, me & her would be having serious words! :laugh:

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i have 4 cavies & all mine sleep in the garage in there crates at night, if they had there way they would be in & on the bed, they do come in for cuddles but thats as far as it goes for me, as for barkin I tell mine to shut up, if that doesnt work which usually does the rolled up newspaper comes out & works wonders, usually the threat of it is enough lol

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i have 4 cavies & all mine sleep in the garage in there crates at night, if they had there way they would be in & on the bed, they do come in for cuddles but thats as far as it goes for me, as for barkin I tell mine to shut up, if that doesnt work which usually does the rolled up newspaper comes out & works wonders, usually the threat of it is enough lol

I have 2 Cavaliers, they sleep on my bed. They'd be heart broken if I put them in the garage. These little dogs are always wherever I am. They're definitely people dogs, not outside dogs. The breeders condition on allowing me to have their pups was that they would be house dogs. I wouldn't have it any other way. Their crates are in my family room with doors always open. They eat in their crates because my Rottweilers are inside dogs and I didn't want them getting any ideas of stealing the Cavs food...not that they've ever tried it on. When I'm preparing their food the Cavs run into the crates and sit patiently awaiting their dinner.

They're not barkers, they're quiet dogs who bark only to alert me me if someone is in my driveway. A sshhhh from me stops the barking immediately. Well trained dogs don't need to be threatened with a rolled up newspaper, they're obedient because they want to please you.

Why do you use a rolled up newspaper? It is to hit yourself on the head when your dogs are barking to remind you to teach them the 'quiet' command?

Edited by cavNrott
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I think of what the breeder of my 1st border collie told me, their male bc used to sleep with them until he started to growl at the husband when he came into the bedroom & finally wouldn't let him in the bed, so not all dogs should sleep in ppls beds.

I agree in that situation it's a good idea to keep the dog off the bed. In that situation, there are probably also other underlying issues in the relationship that need to be looked at or monitored.

If my dog started to try to keep other people out of my bedroom, me & her would be having serious words! :)

Any dog showing signs of dominant aggression should not be allowed up on furniture or beds.

However, I don't believe that allowing your dog up on furniture and beds alone, leads to the dog becoming aggressive or dominant. There are usually other factors involved as well

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