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It really is an outstanding flash. Bec has done a much better job with hers than I have with mine.. must get more practise in and quickly.. but I used it for all of the staffy x puppy shots that I did as it was indoors and I didn't want to use a flash aimed at their eyes so bounced it off the ceiling. Also used it for a recent photo of Justice with a muddy nose and claws from burying his carcass in the back yard. I love that it doesn't look like you're using a flash if you bounce the light. I'm using it for a proper, paid afternoon of photographing dogs next weekend so going to do a trial run on location this Sunday to make sure I've got the hang of it.

Bec, I've just ordered two of these which you may be interested in. SchnauzerBoy put me on to them as he's been using something similar when using his flash outdoors for flash fill direct on the subject, as he thought it may be great for the shoot I have coming up.

I loved your staffy pup shots!! Gorgeous subjects of course but really great photos.

Ooh ill check out those soft boxes. Thanks :D

I know this flash has so much potential and im only using a small part of it. Im not a manual reader. I would love someone to show me everyhting it can do.

I much prefer hands on learning without the reading. I get to distracted and impatient!

Edited by becandcharch
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