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A Family Wants To Adopt Banshee


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So far Banshee's had several visits and playdates with her prospective family and this weekend she had a sleepover with the mum :cheer: Hubby and the kids were away for the weekend and the mum asked if she could spend some time with Banshee. I thought it was a good idea, so she picked Banshee up from the shop on Saturday afternoon. When she came in I had two customers in the shop and Banshee was a little bit reserved with them. As soon as the mum came in and Banshee recognised her, the mum bent down and Banshee ran over to her with huge excitement, jumping on her and showering her with kisses :party: . She was so happy to see her that she even peed a little bit with excitement (Banshee that is, not the mum :thumbsup: ).

She brought Banshee back Sunday evening and everything had gone really well :D . The family also has a Devon Rex cat, and although he and Banshee are still working out what the other funny looking creature is, they are both able to be in the same room with no major dramas. Banshee's not fussed by the cat. The cat is a bit confused at the moment and is doing the whole puffing up thing when Banshee looks at him, but he's usually very friendly, and I think they will end up being friends :love: (I took Banshee to their home about a week ago and was there when we first introduced her and the cat to each other).

On the downside, by 9 o'clock Saturday night I wanted to cry I missed Banshee so much :) . When the mum brought her back on Sunday I was really good and didn't fuss Banshee, just said hello to her and gave her a pat when she'd settled down. That was hard, but the behavourist said it was important to do it that way and she's absolutely right. Banshee settled right back in as if she'd never been away :rofl: .

The family is moving this weekend, so we're thinking that sometime in the week after might be a good time for Banshee to go to them. They want her asap :crazy: She just adores the family and I know they'll be able to give her the extra attention and exercise she needs. It's hard, but it does feel right :whee: . Apparently they've already got Banshee on their face book page :D


Maybe you can arrange to meet up every few months to check on her progress and offer to babysit if they want to go away etc. most of my ex rescues I still groom and a few come and stay with us when their owners go on holidays, it makes it so much easier to let them go.

I was hoping I'd still be able to see her sometimes. With my other fosters/re-homes I was able to let them go more easily. I think I got more attached to Banshee because I thought she'd have to stay with us and I let myself fall in love with her. I'd love to have her visit me in the shop every now and then. If I do what the behaviourist tells me, it should be okay for Banshee to have occasional visits shouldn't it?

Edited by yellowgirl
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Awww look at at Banshee :thumbsup:

You are doing the right thing by her Jo .... she will always love you and remember you no matter where she goes :D

Give it a chance and if it works out great! but if it doesnt at least you have given her that chance.

I could never rescue/foster because i couldnt handle it .. thats why i volunteer at a shelter and come home and not get attached :)

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So happy for Banshee. It must be really hard on you but it sounds like she has a fantastic family waiting to spoil her and love her just as much as you do. Beautiful photo, its amazing how far she has come with all your love and the work you have put into her. Job well done :thumbsup: . You have done amazing work with Banshee, you should be so proud.

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That is a fabulous photo - what a beautiful keepsake of a very special dog you were able to help. She sounds like she has chosed her new family. $300 is the cost of a dog from my local group - as you say it covers those basics.

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She was so happy to see her that she even peed a little bit with excitement (Banshee that is, not the mum ;) )
Well that's a relief :o:cry::mad

I was wondering how the adoption was progressing and it all sounds like a perfect match. Yes, Jo, you will be very sad, but once you've let her go to these people, you will let go too.

That photograph is just terrific.

Edited by Mother Moocher
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Thanks so much for your support guys, every single post has helped :cry: . Thank you :D I know I'm doing the right thing for my girl.

As opposed to her previous life, Bansee now knows real love and security and has many people who care about what happens to her ... and four special people who actually want her to be part of their family. She will continue to blossom.

And unlike her previous owner who couldn't wait to be rid of her, she has someone who will miss her and shed a tear for her when she leaves :cry:

Thank you again for letting me share her journey with you, and for your support as I prepare to let her go to the next stage.


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