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Bones And Dinner Alternatives

Nahla + Teddy's Mum

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Hi everyone!

We have 2 spoodle puppies 18 and 23 weeks old and I just wanted to know what dinner alternatives I could try? At the moment they are both on Tucker time dog meat and Advance biscuits. They have biscuits through out the day and then some roll at night but I wanted to mixed it up a bit and give them some variety. They also have treats during training time and pigs ears on occasions when I can supervise plus we gave them their first bones the other day and they loved that! Could I substitute the roll for bones on some nights? What does everyone feed their hungry lil pups?

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You could try just about anything!

chicken mince

kangaroo mince

Chicken wings

chicken necks

Nice meaty bones

Sardines, tuna

Bits of raw steak or meat

Mine are a bit snobbish towards raw meat and usually get holistic select kibble + dog roll but I often mix it up by adding in some of our left over dinner (I am seletive of course), or some sardines, some days add some cottage cheese... variety is the spice of life! (or so they say)

They usually get bones as well as their dinner..

btw I would amend your post to say poodle x whatever it is as people can be a little narky about it on here :provoke:

Edited by jazawayaya
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