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Bladder Control In Puppies


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i know puppies don't have bladder control till they are older, but can you take them out side to much and thus making their bladders small and them needing to pee to often, sometimes my puppy only does a tinkle and others is a bigger pee, or can you make them wait a bit longer over the course of toilet training to get their bladder control. ie every hour for a few days, then increase to 1hour 15 min for a few days then increase to 1 hour 30 min, ect

i take my 10 week old puppy out every 1 -2 hours

15 min after meals/drink

upon wakin

should i be taking her out more or less, any help would be great as i want to do what is right for her,

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i know puppies don't have bladder control till they are older, but can you take them out side to much and thus making their bladders small and them needing to pee to often, sometimes my puppy only does a tinkle and others is a bigger pee, or can you make them wait a bit longer over the course of toilet training to get their bladder control. ie every hour for a few days, then increase to 1hour 15 min for a few days then increase to 1 hour 30 min, ect

i take my 10 week old puppy out every 1 -2 hours

15 min after meals/drink

upon wakin

should i be taking her out more or less, any help would be great as i want to do what is right for her,

i work on general terms that a puppy can hold on for 1 hour for each month it is old. so if if was 8 months old it could hold on for 8 hours.

so based on that you are taking you pup out in ok amounts.

i also used to watch the puppy and take her out when she started the behaviours that showed she needed to go outside to toilet usually 15 minutes after eating and drinking and sleeping.

but puppies are individuals so you really need to work out what works well for your puppy

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A lot depends on the individual dog, how active it is, size, breed even plays a factor.

As they get older, definitely make them wait a bit longer.

I was taking Mindy out eveyr half hour as an 8 week old but now she is almost 5 months (i can't believe it!) she only really need to go out every couple of hrs.

She does spends a lot of time sleeping though and I will ususally take her out if she has a play.

She was able to hold on from 11pm-7am from the age of 8 weeks though (sleeping which is different) so every 30 mins was overkill, but it did help her to learn the right place to go.

Now that she is older i don't really have timer for her, i mainly look for signs of her needing to go like sniffing etc They are quite obvious now i know her well :laugh:

Or I might think s*** she hasn't been out for ages- better take her out straight away!!! LOL

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thanks for your replies, i just want to do the right thing for her, the idea of watching when she is sniffing would not help as she sniffs everything, she is looks like a bloodhound when she does it, lol, everything is still so new to her

she is starting a bland diet in the morning as she has the runs, she is nil by mouth till 7am in the morning and poor little mite is starving,

thanks again


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We`re just dealing with the toilet training.Our 13 wk old Lab girls seems rto be going all night with no accidents.She sleeps in laundry and I put her out 10.30pm ish and then 6.15am ish.Hooray! Prior to that i put newspares down and she would merrily pee/poop on them at night.Now she sleeps in smaller area with no papers .Dogs will not soil their sleeping areas.

During day she is in and out of laundry/kitchen area as much as she wants and never does anything on kitchen floor. We are amazed at how easy its been so far.Good luck

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