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Older Puppy Very Boisterous With New Puppy


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Hi guys

I brought home a new puppy today (Buffy - Golden Retriever) and she's settling in well. Crate training, inside/outside etc

We also have a 15mth old Golden (Scout) who is lovely, but very excited with Buffy.

How do I intervene (if at all) when Scout jumps around. I'm worried she'll trample Buffy!

I have been pushing her away when she gets a bit too boisterous, but giving her lots of pats when she's gentle.

Advice would be awesome!


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We had to introduce out 15 week old puppy to her playmate when he was 10 weeks and she just would not leave him alone! He was timid and she was just bouncing all over him and biting his ears and tail - just in a friendly manner mind you. Took about 3 days for Nahla to realise Teddy was here to stay and now they are best buds! Cant catch 1 without the other! Just give it time and if Scout gets too full on teach the word "gentle". We were forever say "gentle Nahla" the first couple of days when she got too full on and she backed off a bit and just chose to watch where he went! Make sure your new pup gets time to explore by herself also without the other pup bouncing around her!

Congrats on your new puppy!!

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WOW you are brave having 2 young puppies Nahla + teddy!

Just remove scout when she is too boisterous, settle her for a few mins and then let her go back. Keep repeating until she plays gently.

I often find it helpful to get the bigger down to lie down or rollover and stay, they can still play but the pup can get away if necessary.

If Mindy plays with a smaller puppy i will tell her to roll over and she will be quite happy to play on her back :laugh:

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Brave or stupid aussielover?!?! It was very difficult at the start but we wanted them to be the same age so they could grow old together and never be lonely! Now that they are both toilet trained and all the vet visits are out of the way its impossible to imagine only having one! They are best buds so its awesome to see!

My mother-in-law taught Nahla "gentle" when we were living with her when she was mouthing having those crazy puppy running laps! We use it on Teddy now too and it works a treat! If they dont settle down they then get "time out" around the side to calm down! 9 times out of 10 they come back inside more relaxed because they know they have to be quiet to come back in! Were looking after my Mums dog who is 4 for a couple of days and she is just so confused as to why there is 2 of them! Poor thing cant turn left or right without having a puppy watching her! Nahla's the typical little sister and is her shadow now! Very cute though I must say!

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