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He Pee'd On My Lounge!


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So Jager has been really good with toilet training over the last couple of months and we really haven't had any mistakes (especially with wee). So i get home from work and he has pee'd on my lounge. I am not sure why, nothing that i can think of has changed, no change in diet, no change in routine. He even sleeps on the lounge with us at night so i just want to find out if anyone can think of why all of a sudden a 5 month old would do it?

Poor guy just lost his house privileges while we are out.

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I don't know why, but mine did the same thing (just once), same age. And she was looking at me the whole time too, little bugger! This particular day she was being very naughty.... I think she was testing her boundaries. Thankfully my couch is leather so it was easy enough to clean.

I wouldn't be leaving him alone in such a room while you were out... we confine to the laundry, but bathroom or kitchen would be just as effective. Most lounge rooms are probably too big... Maybe he was marking his territory... he might think it is his, if he has it all day!

Edited by Wizzle
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So Jager has been really good with toilet training over the last couple of months and we really haven't had any mistakes (especially with wee). So i get home from work and he has pee'd on my lounge. I am not sure why, nothing that i can think of has changed, no change in diet, no change in routine. He even sleeps on the lounge with us at night so i just want to find out if anyone can think of why all of a sudden a 5 month old would do it?

Poor guy just lost his house privileges while we are out.

Does he have access to outside while you are away?

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Does he have access to outside while you are away?

No, but he doesnt toilet outside anyway, he has access to the pet loo that he has been trained to use since we got him as we dont have any grassed area outside. Apart from when he is crated at night, he always has access to his toilet.

We watched him like a hawk all last night and he no problems, no hesitation. Just went straight to his toilet when he needed to. So i dont know what has happened.

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I have a 13 and 1/2 year old dog here who, if she gets caught short, will always wee on a dog bed. Easier to clean a dog bed then the carpet, easier still to make sure she never gets caught short. I've never left a 5 month old loose in the house. Mine only get to be loose in the house, without me being around, after they are at least 12 months old. If i do leave them in the house before then they are crated.

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