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Salivation & Unsteady On Back Legs


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k9angel - for his eyes - depending on what's causing the problem. Maybe consider something I just used with Tango. After his eye ulcer surgery he still had sort of mottling in the lower half of his eye and cloudiness all over it. SOmeone suggested using cod liver oil. So I've been putting one drop of high quality CLO directly into his eye a couple of times a day. I had a look at it yesterday and it's almost completely clear and I have been watching it get better all the time. I will keep up the CLO for a few more days until it looks all clear (hopefully). But I really should have taken pics because the change that has occurred since he had the stitches out is quite astounding. I am so happy to see him with his eye fully open and healthy!

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Whitey is doing well. He has picked up tenfold to what he was. We had a couple of scary days with him being so quiet and down but he has been doing great the last few days. Back to his old happy self. He is on 3 cortisone tabs for the next 2 mornings and then down to 2 per morning. He has finished his antibiotics. He sleeps inside and spends alot more time inside during the day now, I think it has helped with his recovery.

I know it's a long way yet, and I do expect the occassional hiccup but I am full of hope as always.

He is stitting on the lounge atm with a smile from ear to ear. :laugh:

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Spoke too soon...

Whitey had a seizure tonight at 10.45pm. It was a bad one.

I was in the dining room on the laptop when I heard this thumping sound that went on and on. OH calls me and there is Whitey on the floor fitting. I got down on the floor and tried to get him to come to, his legs were going fast and his whole body jerking as he laid on the side. He was as stiff as an ironing board and didn't respond to me so I ran for the phone, OH stayed with him while I called the vet on his mobile.

The vet said it sounded like an epileptic fit. Whitey has only just got up now. (11.31pm) He said it may be a possible bleed on the brain.

He pooed himself, peed and had froff from the mouth as he was having the fit. It was so scary.

The vet said to keep a blanket on him and to keep him quiet and in a dark room, so we left him in the hallway turned everthing off bar the lamp and patted him as he came round.

He is standing here on the bed acting weird atm. I am scared he is going to go again....He is also panting alot

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Sounds like a Grand Mal. They are hugely scarey to watch - that I know. There isn't much you can do during a seizure, K9Angel, save to make sure that there is nothing your dog can hurt himself on while it is happening.

Whitey would be "acting strange" because he's in the after phase of the seizure. It's kind of as though they are conscious, but they're in some other nether world with a time warp of sorts. It lasts for a while. My girl's would last for at least half hour to an hour, then she would fall into an exhausted heap and sleep deeply.

Seizure activity causes your dog's core temperature to rise. As far as I know it, the longer the seizure, the higher the temperature. I think that's the dangerous part - but I'm not sure, so I'll leave that to someone else here who understands the veterinary/medical/technical side of things better than I. But the rise in Whitey's temperature would be why he is panting. My girl, who normally hated the cold or any hint of it, would take herself outside and lay on her beanbags on the verandah after the "after phase" of a seizure had started wearing off. And this would be in the early hours of a frigid cold morning. I used to sit with her for a while but when I could no longer, I left her be with a blanket to stop her from freezing over, and the front door open for her to return inside if she wished. Her bean bag where she then slept deeply was under my bedroom window, so I could hear her if I needed to.

Kal also frothed, urinated and lost bowel control. This part of a seizure - especially the larger ones - is normal.

One of the things I learnt from my experiences with Kal's seizures was to not try to force them to stop doing what they seem to 'need' to do, but just to let them play it out. Just keep an eye to make sure they are safe from physical harm. Keeping things quiet and darkened is good.

ETA: :laugh: for you. Stay strong and calm for Whitey.

Edited by Erny
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K9Angel, I'am so sorry to see that your Whitey suffer's with fits, we had two Poodles that suffered with them, we got them from a breeder 1 year apart they were cousins.

We didn't know much about breeder's at that time, and we only wanted them as pets anyway.

It is very scary when you see it for the first time and not know what it is.

I later learned that inbreeding can cause this sort of thing.

One evening one of ours went into a fit at 6 in the evening and by the time we got to the vets at midnight she was out of the fit.we were given medication for them to take, I think it was called Prominal if I remember.

I hope whitey doesn't get them like our dogs did.


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Sorry to hear Whitey has had a set back k9angel.

Hope he is settling down again now.

Unfortunately with IMT when the platelets are so low the blood does not clot and there is risk of internal bleeding into and out of all the organs, and I am assuming that is what the vet meant when he mentioned the bleed to the brain. If that is the case and he gets over the IMT, there is a good chance he won't be an on going epilept.

Sounds like his platelets have lifted somewhat though, so hopefully he can get them back to normal very soon and maintain them.

Edited by dyzney
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Being specific, he doesn't have epilepsy.

Epilepsy is the name given to a condition of repeated seizures when there is no known cause for the seizures. Whitey is experiencing seizures due to his condition. Seizures can and are caused by many things.

lablove - epilepsy s not caused by inbreeding either. There are some genetic links with epilpesy, but 'inbreeding' isn't a cause unless is it a form of genetically inherited epilepsy and one of the dogs in the genetic combination have the condition.

Edited by ~Anne~
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It's likely that his seizure is related to the low platelet count and small bleeds in the brain. They can also experience partial or focal seizures, I had one patient with Evan's syndrome (immune mediate thrombocytopaenia and haemolytic anaemia) who had an intermittent eyelid twitch initially. Both diseases are one that really need close and constant monitoring to check platelet counts etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whitey had another seizure at 5.20pm. It lasted about 2 mins. I am still shaken up.

I was here on the computer, OH was outside with Jack doing the lawns and Bailey was in his cot. I heard a thud and thought Bailey had somehow gotten out of his cot but when I ran to check, Whitey was there on the hallway floor.

It was horrible. His body was all tensed up like he was in the feotal position. His gums stretched back over his teeth and his eyes squinted shut. I thought that it was it... the end... :laugh:

He was so stiff and he pee'd and pooed himself again. He didn't thrash and kick around this time, it was more like his body was violently tensing up. He had been good all day too. :)

He is standing next to me now as I type. He came to much quicker this time. As he started coming back, his legs went like

they were in the swimming motion. Then he pee'd again as he stretched his back legs out. :happydance:

I haven't actually seen him go down when it starts, what happens - can someone tell me??? it sounds like he is being thrown to the ground with great force??? All I hear is that dreaded thud....

He has just had another good drink and staggered over to the lounge to lay down. Ive tried to get him to lay still on his bed until he is a little better, but he won't have it. I feel so bad for him. :happydance:

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