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Family Portraits (pack Style)


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Our Licorice Allsorts Pack.Dash the brindle is our very

delightful foster :eek:

Pip so pleased you found a friend for Dakota. :cry:

They both look so content and of course


Edited by Dodo
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Love this thread, lots of gorgeous happy family snaps!

Thought I would add a pic of my pack from this past weekend!

Dakota, on the left, is our baby, we brought her home at 8 w.o, and she will be 3 this month. I couldn't imagine life without her.

Tika, on the right, is a new addition to our family (first foster, and a failure...lol), she is 6 y.o, a big fluffy sweetheart, fits in perfectly and we love her dearly.


They are beautiful. They are a breed I would love to own, I love wathcing them at dog shows, so so stunning. And they always seem as nice as their smiling face.

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Love this thread, lots of gorgeous happy family snaps!

Thought I would add a pic of my pack from this past weekend!

Dakota, on the left, is our baby, we brought her home at 8 w.o, and she will be 3 this month. I couldn't imagine life without her.

Tika, on the right, is a new addition to our family (first foster, and a failure...lol), she is 6 y.o, a big fluffy sweetheart, fits in perfectly and we love her dearly.


They are beautiful. They are a breed I would love to own, I love wathcing them at dog shows, so so stunning. And they always seem as nice as their smiling face.

I agree Gayle, we have a breeder here in town who occasionally brings his two to the dog park and they are just gorgeous, so friendly and so beautiful. We also had a puppy at dog school and he was divine!

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We haven't got around to getting any new ones now that Whip has joined the pack, but here are some of the group shots we do have.

The only shot I have of all 7


The 5 big guys (pre Whip)



Sweep and Delta


I'll have to have a look through and see what else I can find :thumbsup:

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DeltaCharlie, they are fantastic! Love the last two very smily happy doggies! Is Sweep a BC, I have never seen one that color before? What sort of dogs are your two little fluffy ones?

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All the big guys are pure Border Collies except Charlie who is crossed with ACD.

The two little ones, Jaz (blonde) is a maltese/ silky and Brooks (grey) is supposed to be the same but likely has schnauzer and poodle in there too. Here is a group shot of the 2 of them


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Lol - this is my pack:



He wishes it was more like this though:


He'd even take it like this, as long as Ahsoka is there! :D


The last photo was taken by Terranik, dog wrangling by ~Woofen~

Edited by ~*Shell*~
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All the big guys are pure Border Collies except Charlie who is crossed with ACD.

The two little ones, Jaz (blonde) is a maltese/ silky and Brooks (grey) is supposed to be the same but likely has schnauzer and poodle in there too. Here is a group shot of the 2 of them


Gorgeous! they looks so happy!

CW EW you two look like they belong together! the last one is funny Charlies expression is priceless!

Shell, Zero is so beautiful, he just oozes love and happiness, I love the one of you and Zero together it is really special!

The last one is so cool, great job to get them all lined up and looking like they are enjoying the photo shoot!

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That's ~Woofen~'s dog wrangling skills! She's awesome at getting them all sitting together! It helps that the dogs all like eachother though. I don't think we've ever had a problem with the 5 of them together, except maybe when Abby was in season (and would flirt with Zero then have a go at him if he got too close! :rofl:) but both Jedi and Zero are desexed (though you would never guess it from the way Zero acts around a bitch in season!).

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Found some more

My 2 from a few years ago

"When she presses the button, you look over there and I will look over here, ok?"


Actually looking at the camera



2 fosters I had a few years ago



Different 2 fosters with my guys


Puppy Delta with my other dog Cody (RIP)


With my sisters AmStaff pup Missy


Not all conventional portraits but they have groups of dogs LOL. Most are before I got a proper camera too... although my phone did me well for quite a while :rainbowbridge:

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All the big guys are pure Border Collies except Charlie who is crossed with ACD.

The two little ones, Jaz (blonde) is a maltese/ silky and Brooks (grey) is supposed to be the same but likely has schnauzer and poodle in there too. Here is a group shot of the 2 of them


Holy Shite DC, I've only just realised who you are! :laugh:

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More great shot, I'm loving this thread more and more.

Shell when I take a shot of my lot with a doggy buddy the buddy is usually always on the outer :D mine will all be in a huddle and the buddy will be off to the side, it's so funny, I should make a compilation of those shots.

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