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Hose Chaser


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Yep Lotties another one... She loves the hose, the tap - she loves when I have to refill the water bucket and attacks the tap when its on, her water bucket which drinking means jumping her front legs in and drinking that way (which has to be big enough so she doesn't knock it over, or it's empty straight away), puddles, me emptying a cup/bottle, her clam shell, the ocean, the lake.... - pretty much anything water related, Lottie loves it - and I LOVE having a water baby!!!! :o

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In boarding kennels we find about 1 in 10 dogs is nuts about hose chasing and has to be confined when we hose down the floors (using high pressure). Gun dogs, GSD's and terriers (mostly SBT's) are the worst offenders. Had a tenant who bred Goldies. Her bitches were so hose mad that they'd go into a fight to the death about who got the hose. Needless to say, a bucket of water was not a good way to break up the fight.

My own Labbies are hose shy, though I've never disciplined them with a spray.

Edited by sandgrubber
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My boxer Bella is water obsessed also - she loves the beach, the hose, rain (when the gutters overflow, the shower etc... Couldn't care less about the hose when it is reeled up, but as soon as she heres the squeeze noise of the tap when I turn it on, no matter where she is, she comes running!!!

Funny thing is, she is not overly fussed with getting a bath - she will persevere through it but it is just as not as much fun as chasing moving water :o

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My GSP Pepper loves water coming out of the hose or tap. But she isn't a fan of water when it's just sitting there. Doesn't like to stand in a clam shell, and certainly won't sit or lie in it. But filling it up is the most exciting thing ever. :laugh: That applies to the water bowl too - she much prefers to drink straight out of the tap than out of the bowl.

Unfortunately watering the garden with my arm stretched at full height, so that the water can at least leave the hose and attempt to get to the plants, results in Pepper jumping on me to try and get enough air to reach the hose... Training required! :laugh: That is, when we replace the badly chewed hose for the coming summer.

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You have inspired me to try and get photos of Bailey chasing the hose! Might have to rig up the sprinkler and try and get shots that way!

Love the pics of the doggies chasing the hose!!

Yep definately lost his brain for whatever time is hose time

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