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Lab Going To A Returning Soldier


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Beautiful story, Tapau thank you for your kindness to this young man.

I have an American friend who left on the 13th of August for a year in Afghanistan. She did not have to go, in fact her job was offered to some one else. Nicole volunteered to go because the soldier they had offered it to had a family. Nic did not want a family to be split up, not when she herself is a single lady. Her selflessness is an inspiration to me as is the bravery of soldiers of all allied nations.

I have been emailing her daily, and will be sending a care package to her for Christmas. The hardest thing she is finding is missing her beloved 3 year old GSD.

She has worked alongside Aussie troops in past service and says they are amongst her favourite to serve with due to their work ethic and general attitude.

So to anyone who served/ has some one serving/ knows some one who served.. :)

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Finally got a decent pic of Dimples. AKA Saint


Just sending off a care package to Andrew, enclosed are photos, Dimples extended Pedigree and a Labrador in a Harness from the Guide Dogs.


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What a lovely story saint (dimples) and Andrew are going to be so happy Is Andrew due back soon? My son is also o/s i the army, the news from Afghanistan has my heart in my mouth. This is such a lovely story though :o

He is due back 31 October

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So the emails and pictures have been flying of Dimps and Andrew and some 'bonding at a distance' has been happening. Which is lovely. Then this morning we got an email that 2 of his friends were injured yesterday and he sounds scared. So this brings it home to me people not onlyabout our men and women serving in Afganistan but the importance of dogs as therapy. As dissapointed I am that Dimples wont make it as a stud for our kennel this adorable big lug has a purpose and I know he will do his job well. :o

Light a candle for the people serving overseas -things are hotting up over there especially in the area where Andrew is. He is just a kid he's about 20 ;)

Tapua, I think you are are wonderful in what you're doing for Andrew. Dimples/Saint looks gorgeous, a big handsome boy!

You are so right about our brave & competent men & women in Afghanistan. They're in truly awful circumstances, working in one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. And I just heard on this morning's early news that there's been another 'incident' with no details available publicly yet, as family is presently being informed. A forest of candles should be lit for these Australians...and for Saint's 'dad', Andrew, in particular.

May Andrew stay safe & wouldn't it be great if we could meet him & his lab, here on DOL when he comes home safely in October. That is such a lovely thought that Dimples will be known as Saint after his late colleague & his explosives detector dog, Herbie (Herbie was an -ex rescue dog, recruited from Peninsula Animal Aid in Qld).

Would you please pass on our very warmest wishes to him?

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Honour to Andrew, and his courage, of him and his team, friends....Tell him there are people out there who are praying for his safe return, and that he and Dimples (Saint) have a beautiful life together. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

To be scared shows his courage and humanity.

Thank him - thank him so much.

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Yes I heard the news about the latest fallen soldier, he was a 28 year old infantryman based in Brisbane, as I was heading to the post office to send of his 'Stuffed Labrador'. I will let Andrew know about the warm wishes for him and the others OS. He is hanging out to get home and any warm wishes helps him to hang on. meanwhile Dimps justs keeps on growing and growing!!!!! :rofl: Glad he likes big dogs! :provoke:

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Email from Andrew today he is safe and deeply appreciates all the thoughts and kind words from people here. He is thinking of calling our Lab 'Hero' now after all the 21 fallen. I suggested wait until he meets the furry monster - the right name will come when he meets him. :) This kid needs to come home - as do all the others.

Thanks to everyone who have shown they care - it is deeply appreciated over there.

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It's a shame we can't do more... I've been racking my brains... this is a situation where $2 in a tin doesn't really go towards anything. These troops need as many home comforts as they can get.

Who will look after Dimples if he has to go back Tapua? Will you lend a hand if he needs it?

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If it wasn't for the ex-girlfriend taking his other dog (I'm hoping she loved it and couldn't part with it) then Andrew and Dimples would never have found each other. Sometimes you just have to trust in fate I reckon.

We all hope to see you home safely Andrew. Feel welcome to join DOL and share pics of you and your new buddy with us - we love happy endings!

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It's a shame we can't do more... I've been racking my brains... this is a situation where $2 in a tin doesn't really go towards anything. These troops need as many home comforts as they can get.

Who will look after Dimples if he has to go back Tapua? Will you lend a hand if he needs it?

Dimps will be well cared for - Andrew has a housing set up with others from the base all dog handlers - I think Dimps will be much loved and cared for but of course if he has to go away for any length he comes back here. Andrew doesnt expect to be re-deployed for a 3 or 4 years now.

I will check with Andrew about the addresses to send stuff and I will get back to you - anything from OZ is appreciated.

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I am an ex-serving ADF member myself so I can truly speak from the heart how even the most littlest thing from home means EVERYTHING! My brother is still in the Army as a Chinook pilot and last year his helicopter was shot down by enemy fire, thankfully in this instance everyone on board escaped injury.

Thankyou so much, it is stories like this that truly lift the heart and spirit - not only to the soldier involved but to all his platoon mates which I am sure he is sharing his story, photos and excitement.

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I second/third/fourth that - Ask him to get on DOL so he can read all the warm wishes for himself, and can tell us about his adventures with Saint/Hero/Dimples. :D

Sometimes, you need a story like this to lift your day.

Tapua, it was awfully considerate of you to send that care package - I love that cute Lab in the harness! It would definitely be a nice "tangible" reminder of what's waiting for him when he gets home safely. You've done a wonderful thing.

GetWhippet is right - I'm sure his platoon mates will share his joy when poring over the photos of Saint (he's a big gorgeous boy, btw!), and giving name suggestions etc, and maybe, just maybe, for a little while, they forget about the war and their fallen mates.

Thank him for all he is doing for his country - thank you, Andrew.

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