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Bowen - What Is It


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I presume it is Bowen Massage Therapy.

I can't say how effective it is on dogs however I found it to be totally useless for me and just a waste of money!

I would be going for a dog chiropractor/physiotherapist preferably someone who treats greyhounds and therefore has a lot of experience & genuine expertise.

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I use both & swear by bowen,

Chiro is crunching the joints/bones

Bowen is about relaxing muscles,helping to lubricate the joints plus many more things.

Without the muscles functioning well the bones are useless

Pick a good one.

I have used chiros for 24 yrs

bowen 6 & would pick bowen over a chiro any day.

It is gentler on the body

My dogs see one every 3/4 weeks


Not recommending anyone on this site just informative about bowen

Edited by showdog
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Our son and his wife are Bowen therapists, he is hoping to get his diploma in animal therapy in the future, be sure if you try one that the person is fully quallified, and make sure you follow the after treatment instructions.


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I have used 3 bowen therapists and have had it on me, my horses and dog. 1 bowen therapist was useless but the other 2 have been super. Find someone qualified and good!!

And I nicked Cosmolo's bowen therapist :thanks: Seriously life changing in terms of back pain and migraines. I take my dog to a bowen therapist more local to me and she is also fabulous.

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Word of mouth is probably the best way to find a good one...

I use Bowen for my dogs - one dysplatic and he benefits hugely from this (not to treat his dysplasia but the muscles that he puts extra strain on due to his dysplasia). My weimaraner does a lot of running/jumping and she usually gets a treatment before a big show.

I can see how people could think it's one of those "you have to believe in it for it to work" but the fact that it works for my dogs who have no conscious thoughts or doubts kind of proves it's worth, at least for the ones it helps.

Edited by SparkyTansy
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I have had Bowen done on my dogs with huge success (and myself) Iwasn't a huge believer or disbeliever. My mum was a total non-believer and she had extremely good results.

One of my dogs has a problem with his back up near his shoulders I can tell when it is not right as his natural stance changes as does his movement, he is also unwilling to heel well and for any length. One session of Bowen and I had a completely different dog after I gave 5 days of recovery not training etc. It has worked for over 6 months and only in the last few weeks I have noticed the tell tale signs moving back in. I am booking an appointment for all three of us.

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Is it something where your dog should actually have something wrong with it for it to be worth going? Or is it good for what appears to be a healthy dog, but you just wanna go and be sure? I'd like to take my girls to something like this to ensure they aren't in any pain or discomfort when I ask them to jump, sit for long periods, and heeling for obedience and agility.

Can anyone please PM me any Perth SOR recommendations for a good therapist? Thanks!

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Mine get a tune up from time to time even if I don't think they have an issue as I also don't want to jump them or ask them for the working I do if they are not quite right.

I can function quite well and be in disconfort or pain with my back and I am sure they are much more stoic than me so I take them from time to time just to be sure, and as soon as I see signs of a problem.

I don't know of any in Perth - sorry :laugh:

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Yes it was me, thanks lablove but I am after recommendations by people who haved used a particular therapist and are pleased with the results. As others have mentioned, some are rubbish, so it's best to go to one who comes recommended!

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Is it something where your dog should actually have something wrong with it for it to be worth going? Or is it good for what appears to be a healthy dog, but you just wanna go and be sure? I'd like to take my girls to something like this to ensure they aren't in any pain or discomfort when I ask them to jump, sit for long periods, and heeling for obedience and agility.

Can anyone please PM me any Perth SOR recommendations for a good therapist? Thanks!

Mine go irrespective .

I have mine booked in for every major show for the year Then maintenance in between.

It generally works out every 3/4 weeks .I do it as part of the fitness regime especially the big dogs.

Even when i don't think there sore there is generally a slight "something" that can be worked on sooner than latter.

Also don't get conned about some people that do a "full exam first " at some ridiculous price before the work on the dog

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THe lady who does the Bowen on mine is not specifically trained on dogs but has done a fair bit on her own dog. There are no dog specific Bowen people down here. She charges me an amazingly small amount to work on my dogs - for which I am extremely grateful

Edited by Rommi n Lewis
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