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Dog Desexing


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hi all, On Thursday my male Belgian shepherd got desexed .I'm having trouble keeping him confind i let him outside, but once he starts barking at people walking past and running up and down the fence , I bring him indoors and he will lay down , but he is so hypo and is mouthing me a bit (unusal behavouir) he is scratching trying to get the ball , stealing my sons toys . any ideas help please he looks depressed .

it now has being 3 days will be 4 days tommrow she said no activity level for 14 days until the sticthes come out how do you keep a young working dog quite and calm .

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LOL, I have had this trouble for several months, with my malinois after shoulder surgery. They do need things to do, or they will get destructive or depressed, especially if they're used to lots of stimulation & exercise. Things we do include:

* Lots of big RMB to chew on. Cannon bones & pigs heads work well to keep my girl occupied for a while.

* Learning new tricks can tire them out mentally (we do clicker for dinner, each trick earns one piece of kibble). There are a gazillion silly little things you can teach your dog that don't require much physical effort but that will get him thinking.

* Scent games inside can tire them out mentally (my girl will hunt the living room for my keys).

* I take my girl everywhere I can with me in her car crate, when the weather permits, so she can get some stimulation by watching different things.

* Visiting different places/different people's houses on leash, tires them out as well, especially when you enforce good manners the entire visit.

Unless your vet has specified complete rest for some reason, it may be possible to take him for on leash walks before the 14 days is up? Interspersing periods of heeling with loose leash walking is a particularly good way to tire them out, if your boy knows how to heel.

Edited by Staranais
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This is where having a crate trained dog is a big bonus plus of course lots of chew toys etc.!!!

You can then just let them out for toilet breaks and small walks or whatever.

Edited by STITCH
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unless there were complications I've never heard of a male let alone a female which is a more complicated operation having to be confined for 14 days for a desexing operation :laugh: Sir WJ's advice was good, take the dog for a walk for 15 minutes. then play mind games with him.

good luck with it all.

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Yes it's usually a pretty simple op for the boys and I've never heard of needing to keep them confined for 14 days. So long as you keep the stitches clean and dry and he is not doing anything too strenuous I don't think you need to worry. I've always been told stitches out after 10 days?

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Yes it's usually a pretty simple op for the boys and I've never heard of needing to keep them confined for 14 days. So long as you keep the stitches clean and dry and he is not doing anything too strenuous I don't think you need to worry. I've always been told stitches out after 10 days?

Stella my foster dog got her stitches removed today. I was told 10 days as well for her but it was 12 days today which the vet said was fine as easier to take her in on a Saturday. I would imagine boys would be the same. Her only instructions were to keep the stitches clean and dry.

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I'd suggest taking him for a walk on lead. It's a load of rubbish that a male dog desexed a few days ago cannot have SOME exercise.

As you've found out, NO exercise at all will send em crazy. Far better to go for a 15min controlled walk.



When my male was desexed, he was kept quiet for a day and then he decided he was fine :rofl: He was pretty much back to regular 'duties' within a week but nothing over the top obviously.

He had soluble stitches too from memory ..... that was about 3 years ago now.

Recently had a male kitten desexed, it was back to normal programming with him pretty much straight away.

It's so much easier on males!!!

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Seems a little strange for the 14 days :(

I know when Flash was done he didn't even have any external stiiches. Only a couple internal but then he is a papillon and was like a nut case when he got home and you couldn't even tell he'd been desexed. :hug:

Was told to keep him quiet just o/nite then let him be as he was normally - MENTAL!! :rofl:

good luck- I think what everyone has said is on the right track just walks and mental stimulation.. :laugh:

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I just had may little man desexed on Monday, stitches to come out in 10 days, and said ok to walk on lead, just not to get stitches wet so swimming and bathing is out, and just to watch for any bleeding, swelling or excessive licking, and just not to let him run amok to much, but him being a terrier, easier said then done, but walked every day and has a bit of a play in the yard and is doing well, amazing how they bounce back.

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Was it a normal castration- no internal testicle or anything?

If there is just the single cut in front of the scrotum, with a few stitches.. then I too would suggest gentle leash walks ..and NO jumping around. :rofl: It's the bouncing/jumping/running which could cause problems...

Obviously if the wound is large,or anything else- then keep him quiet..provide him with interactive toys, like kongs filled with food and frozen- like soft drink bottles with kibble inside and lids removed ... or different large bones.

:(:laugh: In the long run, having him fence running/barking at passersby isn't a terrific idea - he may scare folks, or learn to like being so powerful , and so become louder and harder to control...

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My little foster boy was done on Monday, and you'd never have known it on Tuesday - he's a wind up toy on speed, and screams the place down if confined - so he's been allowed to do all the normal puppy things a 16 week old puppy does...

How old is your boy, and how many stitches does he have?


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hi everyone , thanks heaps for all the advice , funny enough i thought it was strange 14 days i asked her and she said yes 14 days and then gave me a piece of paper and it says the same odd , he wound looks clean and i think one stitch has come loose but no weeping or anything .

the last male dog we had was 10 days after and they took the sack off with jasper they left the sack is this normal or do different vets do different procedures ?

they did say small walks on lead witch we did today , and i have given him a kong and we played a few games around the house where he had to find the food hehe and we also taught him today to open doors with a bit of rag on it lol . he is know sound alseep .

he is 3 years old even though very quite he is very highly active dog if not kept stimlated

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the last male dog we had was 10 days after and they took the sack off with jasper they left the sack is this normal or do different vets do different procedures ?

Sometimes we do a scrotal albation (removing the testes and the scrotum) but only if there is reason for it. Most common reason is severe ulceration of the skin.

If castrating a mature dog with rather large testes, occasionally an owner will ask for the scrotum to be removed. The older the dog and the larger his "manbits" the less likely the skin is to shrink.

Most often, and most clinics do this, it's just the testes that are removed.


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Our Stafford was done at 8years, he had rather large testicles and is scrotum isn't very big at all now

Yeah the majority will shrink to not much at all. Just the odd one that has an empty bag left for the remaining years.

If there is any evidence of a testicular tumour, most vets will remove the scrotum too.

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