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Pet Insurance....when Do You Claim?


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I was just reading another thread on Pet Insurance, and it just got me thinking.

My pug pup had diarrhea and vomiting earlier this week, so with a trip to the vet, hospitalisation, blood and stool tests, meds, and sensitivity diet until her stomach gets over it. I am nearly $500 poorer.....so

Can I claim all this back on Pet Insurance?

I am with PIA.

Can I claim the sensitivity diet too?

As it is part of her recovery.

Can I include the the last vet visit too?

As it was for the same thing as above, but months ago.

This is her 3rd bout of this, the vets seems to think its Guardia, so with 3 weeks of ABs they are hoping its going to stop. I never thought about claiming...but would like to.


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I agree with the previous poster. You need to check your policy. I am also insured with PIA and got my renewal in the mail today. It lists what level of cover I have and what is covered on the back side of the policy...


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If your pup didn't show symptoms before you took out the cover, and their policy doesn't exclude the condition, then I'd be claiming. But I think you only have 12 months in which to back claim something. I should have claimed for Ruby's yeasty ears as I went in a few times for it, costing about $110 so I thought why bother. By the time I realised had I claimed the first time, I would have received other visits back in full (within that year) as I would have already paid the excess first time round. Unfortunately, I left it so long I didn't bother. Now I'm with another insurer, they wouldn't pay up for her ears as it's on her medical history.

In general, I claim for stuff that are $200 or more. I've claimed twice, one for each dog. One was x-rays and the other was to remove a lump in the mouth, both costing around the $600 mark.

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Hmm just wondering - if your dog that has insurance, injures another dog that doesn't, there isn't any chance you can claim using the one of the dog who did the injury? Gosh that sounds sillier when I type it out than it does in my head, but the dog causes damage, isn't there any sort of cover available for this?

Edited by RubyStar
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If you have full accident and illness cover then you should be able to claim. Your excess will depend on how much you get back. I don't think you can claim for the food at all.

When my dog had a belly upset early this year it cost me around $300 for vet visit, anitibiotics, some scourban and a blood test. I am with PIA and had no troubles claiming. Generally they are very quick on payments too ;)

With PIA you just download the claim form straight from their website, have your vet sign it, attach a receipt and then post it off (send it registered). If it's your first claim you will need to include a full history from your vet too.


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Hmm just wondering - if your dog that has insurance, injures another dog that doesn't, there isn't any chance you can claim using the one of the dog who did the injury? Gosh that sounds sillier when I type it out than it does in my head, but the dog causes damage, isn't there any sort of cover available for this?

There is a section on the Petplan form, if you know the persons name who's dog injured yours you have to fill it in, I think Petplan then contact them and try and make them pay up.

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Hmm just wondering - if your dog that has insurance, injures another dog that doesn't, there isn't any chance you can claim using the one of the dog who did the injury? Gosh that sounds sillier when I type it out than it does in my head, but the dog causes damage, isn't there any sort of cover available for this?

There is a section on the Petplan form, if you know the persons name who's dog injured yours you have to fill it in, I think Petplan then contact them and try and make them pay up.

Fair enough, but not the angle I was coming from ;) To be clearer, if one of your dogs injures another dog of yours, if the one who caused the injury has insurance, is there anything to cover the cost of the injured animal (kinda like 3rd party insurance... which I know nothing about so I am probably likening it to something that I shouldn't be :D)

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Hmm just wondering - if your dog that has insurance, injures another dog that doesn't, there isn't any chance you can claim using the one of the dog who did the injury? Gosh that sounds sillier when I type it out than it does in my head, but the dog causes damage, isn't there any sort of cover available for this?

You may have cover under your public liability insurance (as part of your home/ contents insurance) for this.

To the OP - the pet insurance policies I have seen never cover food even if part of the treatment plan.

A claim for a condition/ illness should be covered unless it was a pre-existing condition which your dog had treatment for before the policy was taken out.

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Hmm just wondering - if your dog that has insurance, injures another dog that doesn't, there isn't any chance you can claim using the one of the dog who did the injury? Gosh that sounds sillier when I type it out than it does in my head, but the dog causes damage, isn't there any sort of cover available for this?

There is a section on the Petplan form, if you know the persons name who's dog injured yours you have to fill it in, I think Petplan then contact them and try and make them pay up.

Fair enough, but not the angle I was coming from :champagne: To be clearer, if one of your dogs injures another dog of yours, if the one who caused the injury has insurance, is there anything to cover the cost of the injured animal (kinda like 3rd party insurance... which I know nothing about so I am probably likening it to something that I shouldn't be :champagne:)

I'm not sure if it's in your house and contents, but I know that it's in my Pet Insurance policy if it happens out and about- it's public liability so they need to make a small claim against you or something, the policy is not transferable as such.

It's definitely a valid question though. :champagne:

Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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Becks, I don't think the vets usually prescribe panacur for giardia anymore. AB do sort out the bug the little buggers set up in the small intestine.

Also, OP may find that PIA refuse claim as giardia is parasite. Paracitic treatments are not normally insurable against. I am not saying I agree with this. I do agree that any flea treatment should not be claimable but as giardia can be contracted from the dog eating bird faeces or faecal remains in the water, it is hardly a negligence on the owner's behalf. A bit unfair I think, but not surprising with insurance companies.

I would recommend checking with them though.

Regarding the cut off time for claims, I think you need to have put in the initial claim with 3 months or something like that.


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Thank you everyone for the replies,

I just got some of the tests back and its not giardia, the vets are still not sure what it is, and are still waiting on the rest of the stool and blood tests to come back. The vet gave ABs in case it was a bug of some kind, at least it is covering her until they can work out what it is.

I was given a claim form with my paperwork from PIA, so I will fill it in and get the vet to do a health report too. I have had PIA since I got Zoe at 12 weeks, she is now 7 1/2 months. I even got the vet to check her patellas when I got her so I could skip the 6 month wait. Which PIA did, as you just never know.

I do have accident and illness cover, so this should be claimable.

Thanks again


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