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Where To Buy Dog Muzzle?


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Hi all,

Can someone tell me the best place/website to get a mesh muzzle? It's to use when walking my DA dog. She is a Ridgeback X Amstaff (with a bit of Lab maybe?) and I don't know if I have to get one made for her or do they come in a range of other sizes (not just for greyhounds). I've never had to use one before so I have no idea where to get one from, any info would be appreciated.


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Some of the agricultural supply type places have the heavier wire muzzles for working stock dogs. I like the soft clear PVC muzzles made by Jafco, which I get from petexpertise.com, they hurt much less if the dog muzzle punches. A bit depends on whether you want the "Hannibal Lecter" look or the "Jason from Friday 13th" look.

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Thanks guys, will check out the websites.

Re the Hannibal/Jason thing, that is partly why I have put it off for so long. Now though I am of the opinion that if it makes people control their dogs when they see me coming I'm all for scaring them a bit!

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Hi all,

Can someone tell me the best place/website to get a mesh muzzle? It's to use when walking my DA dog. She is a Ridgeback X Amstaff (with a bit of Lab maybe?) and I don't know if I have to get one made for her or do they come in a range of other sizes (not just for greyhounds). I've never had to use one before so I have no idea where to get one from, any info would be appreciated.


What is a DA dog?

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Yes, she is Dog Agressive. She is the sweetest, most loving sook with people (ALL people, not just us), she just hates other dogs. She always has. I think it's a genetic thing with her or something in the way she was raised as she was from a BYB, we never met her parents and she was about 4 months old when we got her. (She was purchased by my ex-husband to be a pig dog.) Lucky for her I kept her when we divorced (they probably would have shot her or given her away or bred litter after litter from her by now.)

I just want to be able to walk her more often because right now she doesn't get walked much as she recently grabbed a little dog by the back and shook it. (The other dog was off lead on a public footpath and ignored it's owner when they called it.)

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at least your honest i have been their with my old boy who i lost years ago all i can say is try to find someone to help you with the aggression it can be dulled down you might want to pay for someone to help or find a club who will work with you, trust me when i say it will improve your walks and teach you not to be on guard which can aggrevate the situation as well, i found that when i started to relax so did he and didnt react to medium to large dogs so much and we enjoyed our walks more :laugh: , but small fluffies he never stopped trying to chase :cry: but i knew just to turn around and sit or drop him and get focus and let them pass, but you still cant stop all the idiots with dogs off leads in areas they shouldn't be,

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Yes, she is Dog Agressive. She is the sweetest, most loving sook with people (ALL people, not just us), she just hates other dogs. She always has. I think it's a genetic thing with her or something in the way she was raised as she was from a BYB, we never met her parents and she was about 4 months old when we got her. (She was purchased by my ex-husband to be a pig dog.) Lucky for her I kept her when we divorced (they probably would have shot her or given her away or bred litter after litter from her by now.)

I just want to be able to walk her more often because right now she doesn't get walked much as she recently grabbed a little dog by the back and shook it. (The other dog was off lead on a public footpath and ignored it's owner when they called it.)

I once owned a Rotty that was DA. I had a muzzle for him, it was made of leather and was great. He could drink, pant etc with no discomfort and whats more he knew he couldnt bite dogs with it on so just ignored them. He was like your guy and great with people but did not like other peoples dog rushing him when we were out on walks. Once I started muzzling him people kept their dogs away. Strange people.

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Once I started muzzling him people kept their dogs away. Strange people.


If I see a muzzled dog, I will keep my distance as well.. I know what it is like to walk a DA dog..and also to be on the receiving end of an attack by one..so I keep my dog out of reach, for safety, and to also remove the target to give the dog's owner a break....

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Once I started muzzling him people kept their dogs away. Strange people.


If I see a muzzled dog, I will keep my distance as well.. I know what it is like to walk a DA dog..and also to be on the receiving end of an attack by one..so I keep my dog out of reach, for safety, and to also remove the target to give the dog's owner a break....

I thought it strange that they let their dogs run up to a large leashed dog but panicked when he had a muzzle on and couldnt do a thing to their dog.

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