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Perth Dolers!


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Hi everyone!

Little Miss Ella is turning 1 on the 28th August but due to OH having his birthday 2 days after hers, her birthday weekend got taken over by him. Selfish of him I know :eek:

So on Saturday 4th September from about 2pm I would like to invite you along to....

:scold:Ellas Birthday!! :rofl:

I will be providing treats of the human and canine variety (think cupcakes and home made doggie biscuits etc) to nibble on while the pooches have a play. It's been ages since Ella has seen some of you and having a big play with the dogs will make her happiest birthday girl... so how can you say no to that? :eek:


When: Saturday 4th September

Time: 2pm

Where: Wandi Community Hall

Wandi Hall is a massive oval next to an equastrian center. The weekend is free from pony activity and the oval is distanced from the road. We take Ella here nearly every weekend for a play and run and she loves all the smells around the place! it's also got a tap for water :scared:

Would love for you to come along as she hasn't had a big play for awhile, if not no worries :eek:



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Haha its just out of Kwinana, actually I think it's still in the same shire?! Hm...

Its off Da Haer Road, here is a little map. You can see the oval space from the road but it's a little distance off :laugh:

There is an entrance with Wandi Community Hall marked on it.


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Oh, OK!!!!

So down the freeway, get off at Rowley, right onto De Haar Rd

or get off at Anketell and left onto Lyon then right onto De Haar?

Which is easier? I know the freeway would be quicker ..... Do people really live out in the stix?? :laugh:

I'll be there though :laugh:

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I can't go as I have a horse show :laugh: But an early happy birthday to Miss Ella :laugh:

Is that oval the one they do all the medieval reenactments on? It is always amusing to go to a show at Wandi and see people dressed up like they live in Camelot :laugh: I am always tempted to go and have a closer look :laugh:

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GR - I think either way is about the same, Rowley is the first exit so if you get back to Anketel you know you missed it!

Yes! Mirawee - thats the place! We went one weekend and as we went past we were like... huh?! and drove past about 3 times ;) We were tempted to go have a look as well but decided not to :D

Oh wow Julie, thankyou so much!! :rofl:

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On second thoughts not sure if I should bring Mason, he does have these warts which are contagious to dogs with weakened/compromised immune systems - saying that though he would have been contagious at the last DOL meet as they have it in their system for about 2 months before the warts come out..... I would hate to infect anyones dog even though they are not dangerous and do go away on their own.

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On second thoughts not sure if I should bring Mason, he does have these warts which are contagious to dogs with weakened/compromised immune systems - saying that though he would have been contagious at the last DOL meet as they have it in their system for about 2 months before the warts come out..... I would hate to infect anyones dog even though they are not dangerous and do go away on their own.

I don't think Mason is a threat to anyone's dogs unless they have a suppressed immune system (according to google anyway)

I will have to be cafeful with my puppa while he's young and his immune system isn't fully developed.... but I don't know if there would be any young puppies at Ella's birthday party?? :(

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