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I have noticed alot of references to dogs advertised on Gumtree and as I have never previously heard of it I just went and had a look. :cry::rofl: :D

I am horrified by the ads on this site. There was an ad for Dobermann pups so I clicked and had a closer look and the add looked like it was typed by a 3 year old. Almost every second word was not spelled correctly, including the brand of dog food they use (Eukanuda), the sire (shire) and dam (dame). It went on to say how the parents are from excelent (exlent) bloodlines (in fact the 'shire' has champing ship pappers)! And as an added bonus every 'puppie' will be 'micro chiped' and vet 'cheeked' before going to 'thir' new homes. :)

I would love to know where they got 'thir champing ship pappered shire and dame' from?

I also have now seen 2 ads on different sites for 'Colorado Bulldogs'. I have never heard of them before, are they the new in thing?

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Some people just cannot spell. I don't understand why really but it does not mean that they do not look after their animals overall.

Sometimes just because a person is educated & highly literate does not mean that they are always the best. They will have more chance convincing people they are though.

I have also seen many spelling mistakes from good breeders & posts on this forum, probably made a few myself, but not that bad :)

Because the persons spelling is bad does not mean the dogs are inferior, badly fed etc & the pups are vet checked & microchipped.

They may be very nice & the illiterate breeders too.

Dyslexia & being unable to read & spell does not always mean stupid. It's just hard for those of us who find it very easy to understand it.

Does not give the best impression I agree but impression is not all there is to it.

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Some people just cannot spell. I don't understand why really but it does not mean that they do not look after their animals overall.

Sometimes just because a person is educated & highly literate does not mean that they are always the best. They will have more chance convincing people they are though.

I have also seen many spelling mistakes from good breeders & posts on this forum, probably made a few myself, but not that bad :)

Because the persons spelling is bad does not mean the dogs are inferior, badly fed etc & the pups are vet checked & microchipped.

They may be very nice & the illiterate breeders too.

Dyslexia & being unable to read & spell does not always mean stupid. It's just hard for those of us who find it very easy to understand it.

Does not give the best impression I agree but impression is not all there is to it.

I don't disagree with you, however this was only one example of many on the site. Personally I would think that an adult with such bad written skills would be aware of it and would either get someone else to write the ad for them or at least get someone to check it before posting it.

I picked that ad in particular because I love Dobes, and I worry about the kind of people that will be buying these puppies. The seller doesn't sound like a bad person, just ignorant and uninformed.

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Some people just cannot spell. I don't understand why really but it does not mean that they do not look after their animals overall.

Sometimes just because a person is educated & highly literate does not mean that they are always the best. They will have more chance convincing people they are though.

I have also seen many spelling mistakes from good breeders & posts on this forum, probably made a few myself, but not that bad :cry:

Because the persons spelling is bad does not mean the dogs are inferior, badly fed etc & the pups are vet checked & microchipped.

They may be very nice & the illiterate breeders too.

Dyslexia & being unable to read & spell does not always mean stupid. It's just hard for those of us who find it very easy to understand it.

Does not give the best impression I agree but impression is not all there is to it.

I don't disagree with you, however this was only one example of many on the site. Personally I would think that an adult with such bad written skills would be aware of it and would either get someone else to write the ad for them or at least get someone to check it before posting it.

I picked that ad in particular because I love Dobes, and I worry about the kind of people that will be buying these puppies. The seller doesn't sound like a bad person, just ignorant and uninformed.

I did have a good chuckle in reading your post, too funny :) . I agree with you; you would expect that if someone's writing skills are not up to par that they would be aware of it and would make an effort to get someone else to write an ad on their behalf. I would be left with the impression that if they can't make the effort when placing an ad that perhaps the same applies with raising a litter of pups and sadly it may not be the correct impression after all.

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Bad spelling, and grammar does put me off to a certain degree.

I am very wary of the Gumtree website. Some of the dog's I have seen advertised on that site have been positively sick looking. Also, some of the re-homing advertisements are sad too. I saw one advertising a German Shepherd female, a month younger then my own girl. The reasons they gave for giving her away were ''not enough time to spend with her'' and claimed that she had certificate to show she was desexed but no papers.

Another advertisement was giving away their 18month old GSD because he jumped their 2metre high fence whilst they were at work.

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In an advertisement, I think spelling and grammar is quite important. Of course some of the posts here (myself included) have a number of typos and grammatical errors but it is a different context and situation.

One or two typos would be ok, but more than that is just laziness- it doesn't take long to at least use the computer spell checker, or get someone who can spell to look over it.

when you are trying to come across as professional and responsible, imo, spelling does matter

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Some people just cannot spell. I don't understand why really but it does not mean that they do not look after their animals overall.

Sometimes just because a person is educated & highly literate does not mean that they are always the best. They will have more chance convincing people they are though.

I have also seen many spelling mistakes from good breeders & posts on this forum, probably made a few myself, but not that bad :scared:

Because the persons spelling is bad does not mean the dogs are inferior, badly fed etc & the pups are vet checked & microchipped.

They may be very nice & the illiterate breeders too.

Dyslexia & being unable to read & spell does not always mean stupid. It's just hard for those of us who find it very easy to understand it.

Does not give the best impression I agree but impression is not all there is to it.

I don't disagree with you, however this was only one example of many on the site. Personally I would think that an adult with such bad written skills would be aware of it and would either get someone else to write the ad for them or at least get someone to check it before posting it.

I picked that ad in particular because I love Dobes, and I worry about the kind of people that will be buying these puppies. The seller doesn't sound like a bad person, just ignorant and uninformed.

There are a couple of really good breeders of dobes who are not that posh with English. I dont think they are ignorant or un informed - in fact the couple I know are very knowledgeable of their breed and are fussy about where their pups go. they just cant spell or speak very good English.

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It would take 2 seconds to type it on a computer and run a spell checker over it!

Agree. Sorry, but if you are aware that you are not fabulous with english, regardless of the reason, then you should have someone else proof read or you should utilise things like spellcheck. Plain and simple. Communication is a very important tool and it should be effective.

To not have it checked is simply laziness and poor management. I would be wondering what other lazy or poorly made decisions they would be making when it came to their breeding programs and the care overall of their dogs.

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It would take 2 seconds to type it on a computer and run a spell checker over it!

Agree. Sorry, but if you are aware that you are not fabulous with english, regardless of the reason, then you should have someone else proof read or you should utilise things like spellcheck. Plain and simple. Communication is a very important tool and it should be effective.

To not have it checked is simply laziness and poor management. I would be wondering what other lazy or poorly made decisions they would be making when it came to their breeding programs and the care overall of their dogs.

Lots of people dont even know what a spell checker is. Not everyone is computer literate either.

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Well that advert reflects the very sad state of literacy in Australia.

All because the absolute f*))_*(_(+_ education system where a kid is pushed up to the next class regardless of ability to perform the tasks required.

or it could be someone who has english as a second language

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The puppies advertised do not come with papers. It is stated that the parents have papers and that they can be viewed, but none for pups. I am assuming that this guy/girl is a BYB.

I am sure there are many people out there that do not have the best language skills (written or oral), and that has nothing to do with the amount of knoweledge that that have on a particular subject, however I would assume that if they were breeding/showing dogs that they would at least make more of an effort so that their advertising and website looked professional. I doubt that they would place an ad in Gumtree looking like the one I used as an example.

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Not knowing the words 'sire' or 'dam' or 'championship' mean the person does not understand anything about dogs and does not care to. Don't care if English is second language or poor literacy skills, the ad shows absolutely no effort to get things right, no attention to detail; and by the way, the person is selling dogs through Gumtree. If that doesn't say a) backyard breeder and b) possible scam, I don't know what does.

It was not just a few forgivable misspellings and grammatical errors. It was a completely cobbled together form of garbage.

I would not click on an email constructed that way, let alone do any form of business transaction or accept responsibility for a life that they have created.

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Lots of people dont even know what a spell checker is. Not everyone is computer literate either.

There would be someone they could ask to proof read. It has nothing to do with computer literacy really.

Obviously there will always be exceptions. Impressions count whether we like it or not. People will and do judge.

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