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I Hate Some People.


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My 2 year old will often shriek and carry on when she see a dog, not out of fear but because she gets excited and wants to play with them (we have dogs at home). I'm teaching her to stand still and keep quiet when she sees a strange dog, that she has to ask first before she pats them and she is not allowed to play chasey with dogs etc but she is 2 so it doesn't happen overnight :laugh:

I can understand why so many kids are afraid of dogs, just today on our walk I saw two seperate incidents where young children (3 years and under) were charged and knocked over by a dog while their owner stood at the other end of the park vainly calling their dogs and making no attempt to actually physically get them. When the dogs finally returned to their owners no attempt was made to ensure the child was ok, or to apologise :laugh:

The best thing you can do is make your dog and yourself good ambasadors. When I am out with my Rotti and we see children I will talk to them and tell them she is ok and always keep her under control. If they are scared I will get her to lie down or roll over if they want to give her a pat and then show them a few of the tricks she can do. Seeing her roll and twirl and bow usually has them giggling in no time and it's very rare that even the most timid of children will not want to give her a pat when it is time to say goodbye.

This us Vs them mentality is only contributing to dogs getting squeezed out of our society instead of being a welcome part of it IMO

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I can understand your disappointment in the reaction of the parents. However I have a daughter who is now 24, but has always had a fear of cats and small dogs. She has never, ever had a bad experience with either and has had this fear for as long as i can remember. She is OK with dogs & cats that she knows, but has an unreasonable fear of cats & especially small dogs that she doesn't know. She has tried to manage it and does to an extent, but it is a genuine fear. So I can kind of understand the kids reaction if they have that same fear. My daughter would not have got in a lift with a cat or small dog, even in someone's arms. Unreasonable, I know, but nevertheless a genuine fear! As her parent though I would have just said she has a phobia of small dogs...not stared at you as though you were the enemy...although I love dogs!

I sometimes get frustrated with people when I take my young dogs out for socialisation, which is to meet as many different types of people as possible and find that people either take a wide birth or just walk past totally disinterested. I find it hard to understand because I cannot resist approaching someone and asking if I can pat their dog, especially a puppy. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy and have been taking her into town for socialisation as we live out of town on property. She is absolutely adorable and I think irresistible, and some people definitely approach and want to meet her, but others could not care less and even look a little disgusted as they walk past. We are all different and not everyone loves dogs as much as we do!!!

I think just forget the experience, and enjoy your puppy and hang out with people who also like dogs. Which is why I now show my dogs, just to be amongst likeminded people.

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I have a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy and have been taking her into town for socialisation as we live out of town on property. She is absolutely adorable and I think irresistible, and some people definitely approach and want to meet her, but others could not care less and even look a little disgusted as they walk past.

You lucky thing!

Absolutely agree about her being adorable, Berner puppies are just so irresistable. I wonder about those people who don't even give a little smile when they see a lovely puppy. I can totally understand if you don't have time to stop and give cuddles, or are too shy, or nervous to ask to pat, but I can't believe pople wouldn't at least smile. Seeing a young puppy always puts a smile on my face :)

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