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Is Your Dog Passive?


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Do you have a passive dog that only really acts when they have to? Kivi is very passive. It makes him easy to live with because he is happy to loaf around doing not much. He is active in that he likes to run and play and explore, but passive in that when something is happening to him or around him he is one to sit and watch rather than investigate, bark, or get upset or excited.

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I love your random behaviour threads corvus :rofl:

I have one passive dog, Mosley. He only gets up if asked to, he usually won't play unless we instigate it and he is generally pretty easy going and not fussed as to what's happening.

Lili however, is up everytime we are, always involved and interested.

Mosley is much easier to deal with :)

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Hehe, Erik is anything but passive. I love having two very different dogs. It really makes me wonder about dog personalities and the variation you can get. :) Do you like having two very different dogs, Aussie3?

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I have one very passive Sibe and one very excited Amstaff. Indie doesn't react to anything, he loves a good run but other than that he will just lazily plod over with a wagging tail, then fall asleep somewhere. He might lift his head if he hears the door but I wouldnt count on it. For a 10mth Sibe he is ridiculously passive. He is so easy to take anywhere and put into any situation, fantastic to live with. Bonnie (14mth) on the otherhand, ummmm, carefull consideration goes into where/when I take her. She is very excited about any movement or sound when we are out untill she has 5-10min to calm down,then she will tone down to passive(except with other dogs,getting better but I dont stop to find out how long calmness takes). At home she investigates any strange noise on full alert but knows if anyone unexpectedly arrives that she is not allowed to move until I tell her. If not given a few minutes to calm down she would run over and slap them silly with her tail and cover their hands in kisses. I dont walk them together as Bonnie is above Indie in the pack order and I dont want her rubbing off on him. She walks at heel(her choice) aslong as there is no movement/intresting sounds but when there is, she is a nightmare untill we pass it. If its a dog she will be hyped for about 200m-400m until she settles. Indie barely looks at other dogs. Love both of their temperments, could have two more different dogs, wouldnt change them for the world.

Forgot that Indie gets intrested in birds but thats the only thing. He is a shocking bird catcher, sorry birdies! Fine with rabbits,just not birds.

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Atlas is a watcher with me, if i am doing something, he is happy to sit down and watch me, if i have visitors over (not including Dad or Rastus Froggy!) once he has said hello, he is happy to sit down and sleep or just watch us

with Dad At has to be all over him, Dad does something, At has to help :confused: And he is in love with RF and has to be all over her

Kaos... well, she has to be in everything, I cant even have a shower without her running in to see what is going on, and wooing at me to hurry up :laugh:

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We have one of each also. Super confident extrovert Jane and young Gus who is a very passive 6 and a half month old. He's so relaxed that he leans into you then falls over when patted and the only thing he distroys is paper!! He even runs out of steam when he licks you and forgets what hes doing so you end up with a stationary tongue attached to your hand!

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Are we doing a college course for you??

Haha, kinda.

I'm putting together a survey as a lead-in to my PhD. I struggle a bit with wording and am sometimes unsure how a question will be interpreted. I'm not asking the questions themselves here, but trying to gauge better which words to use.

Plus, it gives me an idea of the variation in personality traits and what might be driving it so I can ask more pertinent questions.

And I just like hearing what kind of dogs people are living with. :confused:

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We have one of each also. Super confident extrovert Jane and young Gus who is a very passive 6 and a half month old. He's so relaxed that he leans into you then falls over when patted and the only thing he distroys is paper!! He even runs out of steam when he licks you and forgets what hes doing so you end up with a stationary tongue attached to your hand!

LMFAO :confused::laugh: :laugh: :eek:

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i have two that are abject opposites: bella who just has to be the centre of everyone's attention, irrespective! and then there's byron who will either happily curl up on the cushion and only raises his head if bella [who is likely rousing with the cat] gets a lil bit close but he will literally get up and move away from any shenanigans if he is hell-bent on devouring a bone :laugh:

the other side of the coin: absolute momentary pandemonium if the neighbours arrive home or there's a knock on the door and i don't know which of the two inspires the other :confused:

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Yes! Bubby! Bubby is extremely passive. Nothing really bothers him or excites him very much. He lets us to anything to him. The only thing he is excited about is gourmet home cooked meals (there are various dishes which float his boat), walks and Bitty.

He is happy to just laze around and for a few years before Bitty came along, OH and I were quite worried about him. He wasn’t depressed but he was just..........................meh. He’d go on a morning walk, stay inside all day and sleep, afternoon walk, sit around and beam at every one, rat for a bit, come in and sleep until morning.

I think Bitty has improved things for him greatly. Bitty is like this crazy, bouncing ball of energy that does not let up. She cajoles him into things. She teaches him how to play and she will persist until he joins in. I still remember her as a puppy, teaching him how to play tug, making up games and pushing him to join in. She has been amazing for him. He gets excited when she is around. He plays, he romps and he tries to drag her out at night to join him on his ratting.

Bubby is very easy to live with and especially amazing when you are sick or have a bad hangover. He is even extra good if you are feeling frail. Bitty just crashes around with much glee regardless of what is going on.

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Charlie is passive. Kind of. He is generally a very easy going guy, very laid back and is happy to do whatever I'm doing. I mean, it helps that he sleeps a lot too. But, at the same time, he is very curious guy. He needs to go and check things out and say hello to people, once he is does all that, he is satisfied and go back into his bed and watch (but mostly sleeps). This is a dog that we have to bribe and beg to get out of bed in the morning, because he refuse to wake up!

The only thing that can perk him up and he gets excited about is going for a walk (or in our house.. it's "Lets Go"). He loves his outings.

But nothing bothers Charlie. A bomb can go off outside and he won't react to it. He might give me a confused look, but then continue doing what he was doing.

Emmy reacts to everything and very excitable. She must be part of EVERYTHING.

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