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Weeing A Lot


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On Saturday I noticed my dog licking at her private parts a lot. I had a look and I thought I saw a small amount of gunk and when I was looking a few drops of clear liquid (what I assume was urine) dripped out. I called the vet and they were concerned so I took her in.

Earlier in the week she did have an accident inside, but it was on a rainy day and sometimes she won't toilet outside when it's raining, so I thought nothing of it at the time. I have also noticed a slight increase in the amount of water she's been drinking.

The vet couldn't get a urine sample while we were there, and there was no discharge around her girl bits at that point, all the vet said was that it looked slightly red. She prescribed a course of antibiotics and sent me home with the sample cup to try and get a urine sample.

I managed to get one on Sunday morning and dopped it in. Yesterday the vet called and said the urine sample was fine.

Since then Willow has been needing to pee a lot. She normally goes out in the morning, then stays inside and goes out again around 6-7pm. Last night she went out twice in the evening, then woke me up at 1.30 to let her out, then she wee'd in the house while I was at work today, and was busting to go out again when I got home at 4.30.

She has stopped licking and doesn't seem to be in any pain or discomfort.

What else could this be? I am going to ring the vet again tomorrow.

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baciandollie - me too :)

noisymina- I gave the first antibiotic tablet on saturday night and the urine sample was from first thing sunday morning. The vet said that thought the antibiotics work fast, that should be fine for the urine sample.

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poodlefan - I have noticed she has been drinking a bit more. I am measuring her water intake over 24hr periods for the vet.

Her wee's are really small and frequent. Normally she is like clockwork.

No hormonal tests have been done as the first thought was a UTI. She was desexed at the end of 2007. I got her from the pound, who guessed her age was 3 months, vet guessed 6 months, another vet guessed 1 year.

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Did they test for crystals? There is an easy way for you to do this too. Put paper under her next wee and then let the paper dry in the sun. If you see crystally bits, then I would think she might have struvites or similar and an associated infection.

Dogs urinating often, and only small amounts, sounds like a bladder issue of some sort. Perhaps wait and see what the ABs do and if nothing changes, leave it for 48 hours after the ABs have finished and get another urine sample off to the vet.

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