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Pacing Vs Trotting


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ETA - hey Kavik, she's the perfect size! She's ended up weighing almost exactly half what I do. We do a party trick where she rides on my shoulders - couldn't do that with a GSD. Your boy is handsome though!

I didn't realise she was so 'racy' - she makes my Kelpie look chunky by comparison :confused: How much does she weigh?

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I hope you're right, Rommi! Thanks for taking a look at the video. I'm just happy that the limp is becoming much less obvious.

She's 27kg, Kavik. On very long legs! I love the kelpies, they were on my shortlist for sure, but I wanted something I could do Sch with if the SAR doesn't work out for us, & over here you can't trial all Sch phases with a kelpie. Are you thinking of going for a mally next time? I'll warn you, she is VERY high maintenance. She's an absolute sweetie & very smart, but some days it feels like living with a 5 year old with a chainsaw. :eek:

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:eek::eek: I have an almost 5 yo and yep I could imagine the carnage!

As far as I am aware - things may have changed- the shoulder is the best candidate for good return to function after surgery, so hopefully she goes back to being sound.

I had a dog with OCD in her elbows - not so good!

I can't rememebr if you have already mentioned it but how old is she at the moment??

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She's nearly 14 months old, she had surgery at 10 months old. A little older than most OCD dogs. We first saw the limp when she was about 5 months old, but it went away again for a while, & it wasn't until she was 10 months old that it came back & we were able to localise it to her shoulder.

You're right, the shoulder is about the best place to have OCD, if you've got to have it somewhere. Of course, we'd rather not have it at all! :eek: Can't wait until she's well enough to do the fun stuff again.

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I think given some time and maturity she should strengthen up and gain some muscle back. I imagine if she hadn't had to be confined she would have much better musculature than she does at the moment. Even a small amount of time with restriced exercise can see my dogs loose a little of their hard muscle, it doesn't take long to come back though.

I would also think her ligaments and tendons wouldn't be very toned either. I would be really interested to see her movement 6 months after more exercise and some road work.

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I am tossing up a Mally next time, but I do like the size of the Kelpies. Current thinking is another Kelpie and then maybe a Mally if I want to go bigger. I have heard they are high maintenance :thumbsup: That doesn't bother me, it is more the size + drive. I know I can do Kelpie crazy, not yet sure if I can do Malinois crazy :bottom:

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I'll try to remember to bump this thread with more video in Feb 2011, Rommi! :thumbsup:

I wish you lived closer Kavik, then you could borrow my girl for the weekend - you could test drive her to see if you liked her, and I would have a weekend off, LOL.

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