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Traffic Stop Saves Cat From Owner’s Plate [literally[

Skruffy n Flea

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...in his owner’s trunk...

some peeps should be neutured


Buffalo police rescued a cat from a Cheektowaga man who apparently was planning to make a meal out of his pet because he thought it was ill-tempered, authorities said Monday.

When Ferry-Fillmore District officers pulled over a car driven by Gary L. Korkuc on Sunday night during a traffic stop, they said they heard a cat crying from inside the trunk and investigated.

What they found has left animal lovers at the SPCA Serving Erie County in shock.

The cat, according to police, was in a cage “marinating” in a mixture of crushed red peppers, chili pepper, salt and oil.

“It’s disgusting. It surprises me every day what people are capable of when it comes to violence, whether it is animals or people,” said Gina M. Browning, the SPCA’s director of public relations. “I’ve never heard of anything like this before.”

Korkuc, 51, was arrested on one count of cruelty to animals by Officers Jerry Guilian and John Poisson, shortly after he was stopped on the 1100 block of Broadway at about 7:45 p. m. for allegedly passing a stop sign.

Police took the 4-year-old cat to the SPCA on Ensminger Road in the Town of Tonawanda, where Korkuc had adopted it May 11. He told police the cat had been “mean” to him, authorities said.

In condemning the treatment of the cat, whose name is Navarro, Browning read from an SPCA memo put together in part from information provided by the officers and shelter staff:

“Do not under any circumstances adopt to this man ever again. He claims he did not want the cat because it was ‘possessive, greedy and wasteful.’ That the cat got pregnant after ‘spaying,’ even though it was a neutered male. This man is a danger to animals. . . . was soaking cat in marinade to ‘cook.’ ”

Workers at the SPCA gave Navarro two baths Sunday night to clean the spices off and were letting him calm down before bathing him again, Browning said late Monday, adding that the cat is adjusting well.

“We can learn lessons in resiliency. He is purring away and getting ready for his next checkup. He’s looking around like, ‘What am I doing here?’ He might be put [back] up for adoption,” Browning said.

Praising Guilian and Poisson, she added, “Thank God that police heard him. Thank God those cops took the initiative. By all appearances that cat may have wound up dead.”

Korkuc was also charged with passing a stop sign and failure to signal. After his arrest, he was later released on an appearance ticket.

Navarro has black and white markings, weighs 12 pounds and is described as having a good disposition. Adoption hours today at the SPCA, 205 Ensminger, are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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I heard a snippet of this story on the radio. They didn't mention the cat was still alive!

I had the impression he must have already killed the cat and was marinating it.

Thank god the poor cat is OK. :confused:

Lets hope this sick man doesn't get the chance to harm any more poor creatures.

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Sorry - someone who thinks like this should not be let lose into society. He is clearly a disturbed personality so it's not just about never letting him near an animal again - he should not be let near anything animate unsupervised again - ever.

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Sorry - someone who thinks like this should not be let lose into society. He is clearly a disturbed personality so it's not just about never letting him near an animal again - he should not be let near anything animate unsupervised again - ever.

Of course I agree with the bolded bit, but I don't think this will happen. Penalties for animal cruelty are now way near what they should be. It will be easy enough for him to do something like this again he that's what he wants to do. :eek:

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Goodness, what a weirdo.

A while ag.o in NZ a family were caught barbequeing their dog - LOL. I know it's not funny at all but that sentence just gives me the giggles.

They were left a dog they did not want so they proceeded to shoot it and they decide it was better to cook it rather than waste it.

A whole investigation was done into it but no charges were made as the dog had been dispatched humanely with one shot to the head.

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Nasty, but also makes no sense - since when do you marinate meat before you kill it? He just sounds mentally disturbed to me. I hope they get him assessed & put on appropriate medication, or locked up, for his own good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nasty, but also makes no sense - since when do you marinate meat before you kill it?

I was thinking the same thing.

Not going to marinate too well through all the cat hair and skin! Mentally disturbed, definitely!

I agree. SICK, SICK, SICK. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Mentally disturbed, AND stupid! What a combo...!

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Poor thing must have been bloody uncomfortable.....imagine chilli or salt getting in your eyes or on your privates....ouch :crazy: He must have also tried to groom himself at some point & ingested it too :mad

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I heard a snippet of this story on the radio. They didn't mention the cat was still alive!

I had the impression he must have already killed the cat and was marinating it.

Thank god the poor cat is OK. :(

Lets hope this sick man doesn't get the chance to harm any more poor creatures.

Hmmmm, a nutbag and idiot to boot!!

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