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Why You Shouldnt Teach Your Kids The Dogs Commands


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So I have 2 long coated dogs who after their final rinse if you say "big shake" will do exactly that. A big shake to get the water off. This is said after you have stepped away. WELL miss 7 thought it hillarious when she eyed me washing the older boy yesterday and decided to hide and walk past the bathroom and in her perky voice yell big shake right as I leant into him :thumbsup: this went on for a while with her hiding :rofl:

Tonight Jazz got a show bath .....and from her bedroom yells big shake....I thought she was asleep so I jumped this kids laughed their heads off. Sometimes I wish our dogs werent so obliging.................................... :rofl::cry:

Edited by angelsophie
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thats something my 3 year old would do, she has a sick sence of humor. i had my iphone for less then a month she was playing games on it. when i asked where it was she said in the toliet. after conving me it was there i went to look to only get. only joking mummy. and her running off giggling.

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