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Help! My 10 Month Old Bitch Is Swollen 'down There'...


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My 10 month old Amstaff bitch has always been 'large' in her nether regions lol.

She spent two nights in a kennel while we were away last week, and when we picked her up, the guy said she was in season... Her 'area' is all puffy and enlarged, and her vulva looks a bit swollen and redder than normal...BUT i thought dogs bled when they are in season...no bleeding here!

what the hell is going on with my dog?!

She is also more sensitive there too :laugh:

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Some bitches have silent seasons, which means they don't bleed. But these aren't too common.

More likely, your bitch is starting to come in season, her vulva is swelling and bleeding will appear in due course. Some bitches can take (literally!) weeks to really come in to season swelling a bit then stopping, swelling a bit more then finally starting to bleed, and the first season can often take just as long even if the bitch later on doesn't do this.

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Hey Amergio

First of all, don't stress! LOL Yes, by the sounds of it she is in season. Some girls will keep themselves very clean and so you may not see any blood, or she may also be having what we call a silent season (boy are those fun - NOT!).

A couple of questions - is she likely to be in contact with a whole male dog? If not, you will be fine, just keep her indoors and don't let her urinate on the grass at the front of the house if you do take her out (thats a BIG I'M HERE BOYS!).

If you do have a whole male, he is likely to get nuts for the next several weeks. If you can't seperate them safely you need to look at other options (such as kenneling one of them for a period, or having one go visit a friend or relative).

A season should last roughly 4 weeks. She'll probably be rather sooky and want lots of love and attention from you. Make sure your property is secure and there is no chance she can get out or romeo boys can get in, and you will be fine.

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yikes okay,

well she comes to see my horses with me and they do have a golden retriever who still has nuts....but i watched closely and there was no funny business...

i will keep her inside from now on lol!

She has been swollen for about one week....as you guys say, i think the blood is yet to come.

thank you guys!

i thought she might of has some weird vaginal infection or something...!

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